14 adverbs to describe how to butchering

It was declared by those slaves while in prison that, besides his atrocities among their female associates, he had deliberately butchered a number of his slaves.

Wholesale massacres took place, at which men, women, and children were indiscriminately butchered, the ferocity shown being as great upon one side as the other.

We finally reached the ranch of old man Crisp, whose son was most savagely butchered a few days later by the Indians at Fox Valley.

Forty thousand peoplemen, women, and childrenwere inhumanly butchered, without necessity, quarter, compassion, or remorse.

[Footnote 5: 'King:' Edward II., cruelly butchered in Berkley Castle.]

If they admit that such deeds are committed, they tell us that they are exceedingly rare, and therefore furnish no grounds for judging of the general treatment of slaves; that occasionally a brutal wretch in the free states barbarously butchers his wife, but that no one thinks of inferring from that, the general treatment of wives at the North and West.

[unhappily] Butcher!

Our host had a lame hand, and the professor volunteered to drive; our friends, the varmints, now confined their kind attentions almost exclusively to the horses, which they butchered unmercifully.

These they seized, but one man found means to escape from them, and they wantonly butchered all the rest.

Among Sevier's troops was young John Kirk, whose mother, sisters, and brothers had been so foully butchered by the Cherokee Slim Tom and his associates.

They came first to the Body ranch, where the men were getting wood from the hills and heartlessly butchered them in cold blood.

His victories were almost always followed by massacres; in particular, when he routed with small loss a certain Captain Buford, his soldiers refused to grant quarter, and mercilessly butchered the beaten. Americans.

Mr. Armitage, the portly butcher, made his way into the ring and held up two fat hands, sparkling with rings, as a signal for silence.

The money was paid, and the poor child handed over to the tender mercies of the human devil who had so ruthlessly butchered her sister.

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