22 adverbs to describe how to buttoned

His long, single-breasted frock-coat hung loosely enough about his shoulders, yet buttoned tightly over a stomach that was so incongruous as to seem artificial.

He put the money into a pocketbook, or, rather, wallet, with which he had been supplied by the Misses Grant, put it in his inside pocket, and then buttoned his coat up tight.

She was of medium height, and comfortably guarded against the frigidity of the night by a long fur coat buttoned snugly around her neck.

Landor buttoned up the gap in his shirt methodically.

Hastily buttoning across his chest the pea-jacket which he usually wore at home as a single concession to his nautical surroundings, he drew himself up with something of the assumption of a shipmaster, despite certain bucolic suggestions of his boots and legs.

Then he came out, putting out the candle, and buttoning the Bible inside of his coat.

" "Exactly so," said Louis from the doorway, where he stood leisurely buttoning his gloves.

He himself did not put on an overcoat until the weather grew very severe, and he never buttoned it, no matter how cold it grew.

John's eyes rested with intense disapproval on these shapely feet, and travelled slowly backwards over the ragged petticoat and the pink cotton jacketwhich, instead of being neatly buttoned over at the neck, fell loosely open, disclosing the girl's throat, firm and round as a pillarand so on till they reached her face; then suddenly drooped before the disconcerting gaze of another pair of eyes, very large and bright.

Much or little, you always get all there is," he said, ostentatiously buttoning the flap over his empty pocket.

Then he fastened his collar, smoothed his hair, standing close before Sheila's mirror, peering and blinking through the smoke, and buttoned his coat painstakingly.

" He passed presently through swinging glass doors, and in a hallway was told by a profusely buttoned youth in spectacles that Mr. Whipple was out.

"No, Messieurs," he said, buttoning his dressing-gown, savagely, "you shall not fight him.

Having a kimono such as this, our housekeeper can either button himself into it with a button-hook (very good ones are supplied by Messrs. Einstein & Fickelbrot [see ad.] at a very reasonable price or even higher), or better still, he can summon the janitor of the apartment, who can button him up quite securely in a few minutes' time a quarter of an hour at the most.

Ascapart or your countreyman Gargantua, that stuft every button of his coate with a load of hay? 'S hart, wee have met a fellow here's all mouth, hee speakes nothing but Monarch.

He clad himself in long frock-coats hat buttoned unevenly, big square boots, and trousers that invariably bagged at the knee and were a little short; he wore low collars, spats occasionally, and a tall black hat that was not of silk.

On the seat of the second wagon, whip in hand, was perched Giles Rae, his coat buttoned warmly to the chin.

On buttoning the top button this pole telescopes automatically and forms a bullet-proof spine protector.

The jacket has run up to my arm-pits; my legs are bare to the knee; my arms to the elbows; the loosely buttoned front is ruckled up into a funnel, down which, whenever I move, the bedclothes like a bellows draw a chill blast of air on to that particular part of my chest which is designed for catching colds.

His teeth, as well as his sound arm, were brought into use to effect the object; but, in the midst of his efforts, an officer rose from his seat, advanced to him, and very carefully and tenderly assisted him, drawing the coat gently over his wounded arm, and buttoning it up comfortably; then, with a few kind and pleasant words, returning to his seat.

Do we not feel that if we had been on the point of offering comfort or alms to the mourner, and saw him go through this extraordinary piece of pantomime, we should have buttoned up our hearts and pockets forthwith?

Once moe the skie was blacke, the thounder rolde: Faste reyneynge oer the plaine a prieste was seen, Ne dighte full proude, ne buttoned up in golde; His cope and jape were graie, and eke were clene; A Limitoure he was of order seene, And from the pathwaie side then turnèd bee, Where the pore almer laie binethe the holmen tree, 'An almes, sir priest!'

22 adverbs to describe how to  buttoned  - Adverbs for  buttoned