12 adverbs to describe how to butts

The others grazed on the short grass and herbage or lay down and restedtwo of the yearlings several times playfully butting at one another.

The French butted the line six miles east of Sezanne, in the forests of La Fere and Champenoise.

Eastward it butts on orchard closes and the village gardens, brimming over into them by wild brier and creeping grass.

It is a courageous animal, and will come readily to the assault, butting fiercely when attacked.

Finely butted, Doctor.

His simple, trusting faith made him inevitably the butt of the mischievous circle.

For many of the cows and an occasional bullock would have absolutely nothing to do with the festival, but shook their heads and butted sideways with their horns, as often as the red-haired fellow came anywhere near them with the tinsel and brush.

Mr. Dill, an arm's length away, had Jack Morgan and one other offender clutched by the neck in either hand and he was solemnly and systematically butting their heads together until they howled.

For the spear of each knight was burst into splinters, even to the butt thereof.

You try a goat; she does not agree with Baby, for she butts him treacherously, and, leaping over his prostrate body, scampers, like Leigh Hunt's pig in Smithfield Market, up all manner of figurative streets.

A cloud of dust rose thick in the air, stirred up by the busy feet and snouts of the multitude, and grunts and squeals were loud and frequent as a frisky party of younglings in their play would heedlessly bump up against some short-tempered old boar, who in his turn would angrily butt a too venturesome rival in the wind and send him, expostulating noisily, down the hill!

Straighten right arm and right leg vigorously and swing butt of rifle against point of attack, pivoting the rifle in the left hand at about the height of the left shoulder, allowing the bayonet to pass to the rear on the left side of the head, Guard is resumed without command.

12 adverbs to describe how to  butts  - Adverbs for  butts