16 adverbs to describe how to canters

" With a mighty effort Giant Sleep was thrown off at last, and the hunters were once more on their journey, cantering lightly over the soft turf.

The lawyer's office was on Loudoun-street, and cantering briskly along the rough highway past the fort, he soon reached the rack before his door, and dismounted.

Rabbits scurry from thicket to thicket among the ceanothus bushes, and occasionally a long-eared hare is seen cantering gracefully across the wider openings.

Conroy cantered hastily up the street a bit to hear what the boy was vociferating.

For if any one dissented from his notions injudiciously, He went for him immediately, ferociously and viciously, Did this absurd equestrian who cantered on incessantly.

Clover cantered obediently after him.

Betty Gordon obligingly cantered across the platform on a chair and won applause by her realistic interpretation of western riding.

Dorsey, on a black stallion, cantered past.

Mary's little pony cantered recklessly through it all, scampering along like a playful dog after a stone, leading Bennington's larger animal by several feet.

Across it a patrol of cavalry, smart in a gray-blue uniform, were cantering sharply.

Sometimes they rode through open forest, more often they followed the dim wood roads; their horses pacing or cantering steadily through the night.

But this ended in nothing; the Apaches sullenly cantered away; the others soon checked their pursuit.

"I cain't drop my job an' canter upstairs every time one o' you fellers whistles.

Change his costume a bit, and substitute a slouch hat for his flat-topped lancer's cap, and he might have cantered bodily out of one of Remington's canvases.

By worn-out fields they cantered on Drear fields amid the woodlands wide; By cross-roads of some olden time, In which grew groves; by gate-stones down Grassed ruins of secluded pride: A strange lone land, long past the prime, Fit land for Mosby or for crime.

Part of the 1st Maine Cavalry joined the chase; but Stuart flourished his heels and cantered gaily into Pennsylvania to the amazement and horror of that great State, and to the unbounded mortification of the Union army.

16 adverbs to describe how to  canters  - Adverbs for  canters