4 adverbs to describe how to caves

Robed in the sable garb of woe, With haggard eyes the poet stood (Loose his heard and hoary hair Streamed, like a meteor, to the troubled air), And with a master's hand and prophet's fire Struck the deep sorrows of his lyre: 'Hark how each giant oak and desert cave Sighs to the torrent's awful voice beneath!

We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little life is rounded witha crust; some say, a very thin crust, such as might be got up by a skilful patissier, and over which gilded court-flies, and even scaraboei, may crawl with safety, butwhich must inevitably cave in beneath the boot-heels of a real, true, thinking man.

The sides of the galley fire have caved inthere should have been cheeks to prevent this; we got some fire clay cement to-day and plastered up the sides.

Casey says he had to call the Oasis man to help him get Billy out of the barrel, and that even then he had to borrow a saw and saw off one horn either that, or cave in the barrel with Maudand he needed that barrel worse than the billy goat needed two horns; but he told me that if he'd had Maud in his two hands just then he sure would have caved in the goat.

4 adverbs to describe how to  caves  - Adverbs for  caves