47 adverbs to describe how to chant

Somber peaks, hacked and shattered, circled half-way around the horizon, wearing a savage aspect in the gloaming, and a waterfall chanted solemnly across the lake on its way down from the foot of a glacier.

"At those primitive vigils, then, after the reading of the Sacred Scripture, the responsory was given by the precentor and the assembled faithful took up the words and chanted them forth in the same simple melody.

The willowy hills and fields among, They heard her singing her last song, The Lady of Shalott. Heard a carol, mournful, holy, Chanted loudly, chanted lowly, Til' her blood was frozen slowly, And her eyes were darken'd wholly, Turn'd to tower'd Camelot.

Another cup of wineand while that turn-coat bell, that just now mournfully chanted the obsequies of 1820 departed, with changed notes lustily rings in a successor, let us attune to its peal the song made on a like occasion, by hearty, cheerful Mr. Cotton.

The bird has also been the theme of songthe carnivorous exploits of three of the species having been repeatedly chanted by popular Minstrels.

Then bravely chanted they The several twelve pitched fields he [Arthur] with the Saxons fought.

The fields will be painted with flowers, and amid the warbling of birds we will more cheerfully chant our songs of praise.

The priests kneeled in gorgeous robes, chanting monotonously, with their foreheads upon the altar-steps; and the hushed multitude hung upon their lips, in concentrated ecstasy, waiting for the coming joy.

"Out of the sea thou earnest," Opee-Kwan chanted oracularly, "and back into the sea thou goest.

An-nu-na-ci from forests, mounts around, And from the streams and lakes, and ocean, trees, And all that haunt the godly place, to please The lovers, softly chant and dance around To cymbals, lyres until the rocks resound, Of goddess Ishtar chant, and Izdubar, The Queen of Love wed to the King of War.

And from the modern city home Agnes its pencil brought. 'Rome's ancient Horace sweetly chants Such maids with lyric fire; Albion's old Horace sings nor paints, He only can admire. 'Still would his press their fame record, So amiable the pair is!

And having duly chanted our Credo concerning man's pure and public nature, let us now inquire respecting this dividing element of Individuality,which, with all the force it has, strives to cut off communication, to destroy unity, and to make of humanity a chaos or dust of biped atoms.

The general was apparently unable to interpret the handwriting on the wall, as long before the war was ended the entire army was enthusiastically chanting that beautiful melody to the king of abolitionists "John Brown's body lies moldering in the grave

As to the restthe dukes, the glory, the greatnessI hold it concerns nobody but the dead, and it is a foolishness to plague folks' ears by boasting of deeds done by those you never knew, like a Seminole chanting ere he strikes the painted post.

"We will not" I chanted firmly to the music's mellowed accompaniment.

Varvara Pavlovna afterwards played two or three little pieces by Thalberg, and coquettishly chanted a French song.

So sang in plaintive accents the youth, until the last ray of the sun lingered on the minarets' tops, when, by the louder and authoritative voice of the Muezin calling the Faithful to prayers, this crowd of the worshippers of song and vocal harmony was dispersed to meet again, and forthwith chant a more solemn strain.

* * Let us learn that old North Edda Chanted grandly on the grave, Still for man the one thing needful In his world is to be brave.

After singing hi-he-hi-hah in quick succession, the chorus ha-ha-ha, hahahah is more solemnly and gravely chanted.

"That we are engaged and that he is to find a suitable job for you so we can be married right away," chanted Carlotta happily.

For three hours an uninterrupted stream of music flows forth, not only solos, but occasionally duets, harmoniously chanted in parts, and rendered with the utmost pathos.

The old newspaper woman at the Friedrichsstrasse corner is chanting it hoarsely, "Zwei englische Dampfer gesunken!"and they read that "the sands have run, the prologue is spoken, the curtain risen on the tragedy of England's destiny.

" Louder, louder, chant the lay, Waken, lords and ladies say, Tell them youth, and mirth and glee, Run a course as well as we, Time, stern huntsman!

But as the monks calmly chanted, and the solemn responses were given, a stillness stole over the vociferous babble within the great open doors.

But when Barker again chanted maliciously "I see a chimney," every boy who happened to be reading or writing, uneasily felt to discover this time he was himself the victim or no; and so things continued for half an hour.

47 adverbs to describe how to  chant  - Adverbs for  chant