35 adverbs to describe how to cheats

There are some men who are not entirely corrupt,some who do not cheat systematically, and lie by the compass and the rule.

Thirty years of care, Urged on by royal promise, did I bear, And now, deceived and scorned, the aged bard Is basely cheated of his pledged reward!

Even Isagani, who, when he came, always used to play with her and allow himself to be beautifully cheated, did not come at her call, for Isagani was gloomily and silently listening to something Chichoy the silversmith was relating.

We suppose that your lordship is fully aware, that the laws under which the laborer is now placed are tyrannical and unjust in the extreme; laws, we hesitate not to affirm, which are a disgrace to those who framed them, and which, if acted upon by a local magistracy, will entail upon the oft-cheated, over-patient negro some of the worst features of that degrading state of vassalage from which he has just escaped.

It was right for one of them to sell his tobacco on his own wharf to a tarry skipper who cheated him grossly, but wrong for me to sell kebbucks and linsey-woolsey at an even bargain.

One feels horribly cheated in losing the pleasure of its light.

She was a devotee of solitaire and invariably cheated at it.

Besides, they infallibly cheat you,I mean the booksellers.

In a horse, or a woman, I may lawfully cheat my own father: Besides, I know the knight's complexion; he would be sure to follow other women; and all that.

LORDS, few cheat, iii. 353.

Listen, sir: last night, at the Clarendon Club, Tom Delamere was caught cheating outrageously at cards.

So, 'twas well I laid by the rest, my Peace had not been Made under every Rag on't else; and what I was painfully cheating for All this Night, would have been laid out at the Mercers and Lacemans in half an Hour.

Stop not here, nor penuriously cheat yourself of your reversions.

It is hopeless to explain to a traveller who has been 'ohayoed' into half-a-dozen shops and 'sayonaraed' out of half-a-dozen more and politely cheated in each one, that the Japanese is an Oriental, and, therefore, embarrassingly economical of the truth.

" "Wars fatten our tribe," answered the Devil; "besides shapes are optional with me, and in England men go by appearances more than they do abroad; one is forced to look respectable and portly; the Devil himself could not cheat your countrymen with a shabby exterior.

Great is the power of self-deception, but in no other direction do we permit ourselves to be more profoundly cheated than we do in this.

the worst Great Turk of all; so, I am cozened, most rarely cheated; why, what a horrid Plot's here carried on, to bring in heretical Cuckoldom? Car.

He was very good with horses; but he turned out badly, cheated me up hill and down dale, as you may saythough what hills and dales have got to do with it is more than I can telland

Men who play at the clubs scarcely ever cheat,there are so many with whom they play sharp enough to discover them; and with the discovered gambler all in this world is over.

Thou didst cheat her shockingly, Frank, time o' the famine, on those nine sacks of maslin meal.

This was all a mighty good thing for somebody, no doubt, but it detracted in large chunks from the glamour of war for the soldier-boy; and I fear that the majority of us felt hurt, if not sorely cheated.

The lecture must have been a great quickener of conscience; for they would dare punishment and cheat Madame Joubert, under her own eyes, in order surreptitiously to add a new sin to their list.

If the Curate of Montagny bought it for a crown of a soldier who picked it up after the defeat of Granson, not knowing its value, the soldier was unconsciously cheated by the Curate.

"No more so than Taswell Skaggs and John Wyckholme, who unquestionably cheated the natives out of the very treasure we have seen carried away.

The palaver began again, and ended in the exchange of an ox for a promise of food, in which he was wofully cheated.

35 adverbs to describe how to  cheats  - Adverbs for  cheats