7 adverbs to describe how to chilly

The drive from thence home was decidedly chilly, but nothing exciting happened, though occasional glimpses of the snow peaks were enjoyed, and many fine specimens of the genus bovus, dragging carts laden with trees (or all that remained of them), were passed by the way.

I had been out in the night air many times before, but I never knew it to be so disagreeably chilly.

Distinctly chilly in India, excepting during the day; we seem to have hit off the most backward spring known here for many years.

But she, too, would strike the Yukon eye as lamentably chilly about the legs.

"Better make up your mind to stay till morning; it's getting mighty chilly, outside.

It was unexpectedly chilly at night, and Twining and I were glad to roll ourselves up in as many rugs and "resais" as we could persuade the ladies to leave to us.

I It was an August evening, still and cloudy after a day unusually chilly for the time of year.

7 adverbs to describe how to  chilly  - Adverbs for  chilly