6 adverbs to describe how to clericals

Of course, I don't require much assistancemerely clerical help, but it's got to be of a highly intelligent and specialized sort.

Indeed, I think I may almost say that I have practically...yes, indeed, it amounts to that.' He spoke in a thinly fluting voice, with a preciseness of enunciation akin to the more feebly clerical, and with smiles which became almost lachrymose in their expressiveness as he dropped from phrase to phrase of embarrassed circumlocution.

irely clerical, or whether it is a fusion of the two.

But it may be doubted whether his tastes were prevailingly clerical; his poetry certainly was not.

Their work is purely clerical, and is concerned with Unemployment Insurance.

After having chosen him, as an intelligent and a clever young priest, for his secretary and almoner, Louis made him successively clerical councillor in the parliament of Paris, then Bishop of Evreux, and afterwards cardinal; and he employed him in his most private affairs.

6 adverbs to describe how to  clericals  - Adverbs for  clericals