164 adverbs to describe how to clothed

The same writer also says the people are poorly clad, the youths naked, and that they rank infinitely below any savages he ever saw.

The three came toward where Robin Hood sat, all the band staring with might and main, for never had they seen so gay a sight as this young Page, nor one so richly clad in silks and velvets and gold and jewels.

"Within the hour; in fact, as soon as you are decently clothed." "And where do we go, mademoiselle?" "To Cherbourg, there to take steamer for New York.

" This was a needless warning to the boy, who, barefooted and scantily clad, gave Jack as much as he could do to keep up with him.

He was warmly clad in sealskin; around his neck was a white bearskin ruff, as warm as toast, and very pretty, too, as soft and fluffy as a lady's boa.

The islands are thickly clothed with tamarisks and pollarded acacias and stone pines, and are reputed to be somewhat malarial.

To us coming fresh from the torrid plains it was bitter weather, and I feared for Elspeth, who was thinly clad for the hill-tops.

The engineer, clothed lightly as he was, fairly dripped with perspiration.

The blue-clad arms of one of them were twisted upward in a half-arc, encircling nothing; and as the wheels jolted over the rutted cobbles these two bent arms joggled and swayed drunkenly.

To support[064] a life of such unparalleled drudgery, we should at least expect: to find, that they were comfortably clothed, and plentifully fed.

Some stand firmly erect, feathered with radiant tassels down to the ground, forming slender tapering towers of shining verdure; others, with two or three specialized branches pushed out at right angles to the trunk and densely clad with tasseled sprays, take the form of beautiful ornamental crosses.

A few belated youngsters are hurrying along,some ragged, some patched, some plainly and neatly clothed, some finishing a "portable breakfast" thrust into their hands five minutes before, but all eager to be there....

And, after some while, he comes, and at his advent they clothe themselves anew in all their beauty, and with his warm breath thrilling through each fibre, put forth their buds, singing through all their myriad leaves the song of their rejoicing.

But Karen herself was clothed neatly and properly: she was taught to read and to sew, and the people said she was agreeable.

Moltka says that "the Russian army which suffered so terribly and fatally in 1828 and 1829 was badly clothed and badly nourished, and in no way protected against the climate of the Danubian Provinces, and especially of Bulgaria, where the temperature varies from 58° in the day to 29° at night, and where the falling dew is like a fine and penetrating rain.

As Jack looks down in the narrow way between the hill he is on and the plateau on the very edge of the Union linein fact, behind it now, for it has moved forward since he took posta rushing mass of gray-clad soldiery is moving forward on the dead run.

Along the road a youth came riding upon a fair milk-white barb, and the folk that he passed stopped and turned and looked after him, for never had so lovely a lad or one so gaily clad been seen in Nottingham before.

Five of the children were playing in and out, bare-footed, and, like the mother, miserably clad; but they seemed quite unconscious that anything ailed them.

He is clad roughly; and the few words which he utters prove that he is a German.

Crowded and filthy, carrying double the legal number of passengers, who were ill-fed and imperfectly clothed, and having no doctor on board, the holds, says an eyewitness, were like the Black Hole of Calcutta, and deaths occurred in myriads.

30 Even I, a dunce of more renown than they, Was sent before but to prepare thy way; And, coarsely clad in Norwich drugget, came To teach the nations in thy greater name.

The remaining portion of the horizon was one even straight line; not a hill or break of any kind was visible, and, except the narrow line of the creek, was barren and worthless in the extreme, the red soil of the level portions of the surface being partially clothed with triodia and a few small trees, or rather bushes, rendered the long straight ridges of fiery-red drifting sand more conspicuous.

She had abandoned her dance and was standing very still, obviously interested in the rough-clad, booted figure which had seemed so abruptly to materialize from the forest land.

Nothing would satisfy him then till he had clothed her suitably, bringing her dresses from the wardrobe for her to choose.

The slave is neither fed nor clothed so expensively as a freeman.

164 adverbs to describe how to  clothed  - Adverbs for  clothed