5 adverbs to describe how to comeliest

[The upper portion of an exceedingly comely Young Person emerges from the mouth of the Urn.

Sir Ewaine said: "That is a very good name, and thy face likewise is so extraordinarily comely that I take thee to be of some very high lineage.

hee dances reasonably comely, but he fals heavie.

Esther Woodford, who, at the time of her husband's death, scarcely numbered five-and-twenty years, was still a remarkably comely, as well as interesting, gentle-mannered person; and moreover had, for her station in life, received a tolerable education.

They would have been pleased with any whites who would not cheat them, nor sell them whiskey, nor whip them for their poor gypsy habits, nor conduct themselves indecently toward their women, many of whom among the Pottawottomisespecially those of nearly unmixed French descentare singularly comely, and some of them educated.

5 adverbs to describe how to  comeliest  - Adverbs for  comeliest