96 adverbs to describe how to completed

Concentration was practically completed on the evening of Friday, August 21, and I was able to make dispositions to move the force during Saturday to positions I considered most favorable from which to commence the operations which General Joffre requested me to undertake.

The commissionersthe ablest men in England, thirty-two in numberhad scarcely completed their work before the young King died, and Mary ascended the throne.

He expounded each day a portion of the subject, and I gave him next day a written account of it, which he made me rewrite over and over again until it was clear, precise, and tolerably complete.

Huskisson, supported by Canning, had commenced that gradual demolition of the protective system, which one of their colleagues virtually completed in 1846, though the last vestiges were only swept away by Mr. Gladstone in 1860.

When the bridge was begun, they smiled, and said that it could never be successfully completed.

Their design, sir, was now happily completed.

They had already done duty as newly completed battleships, but with a little alteration to the canvas of their funnels, the lath and plaster of their turrets and conning towers, and the wood of their guns, they might be made into perfect likenessesat a distanceof the Intrepid and Terrific.

The authorities there have a wonderfully complete system of remembering their old friends.

My theory of Induction was substantially completed before I knew of Comte's book; and it is perhaps well that I came to it by a different road from his, since the consequence has been that my treatise contains, what his certainly does not, a reduction of the inductive process to strict rules and to a scientific test, such as the syllogism is for ratiocination.

As early as 1834, when he had barely completed his twenty-third year, he published a Letter to the Electors of Great Britain, with the view of vindicating the policy and the position of the Tory leaders, more especially of the Duke of Wellington.

The discovery of an old manuscript by a former surveyor, and a rag of scarlet cloth, which, on careful examination, assumed the shape of a letterthe capital Agave a reasonably complete explanation of the whole affair of "one Hester Prynne, who appeared to have been rather a noteworthy personage in the view of our ancestors."

Ultimately the determination was completed in the most satisfactory manner.

The line was gradually completed.

A bread-and-water poultice should be put on for a few days, when the wound should be bound up lightly with some mild ointment, when a cure will be speedily completed.

IV THE KASBAH OF THE OUDAYAS Salé the white and Rabat the red frown at each other over the foaming bar of the Bou-Regreg, each walled, terraced, minareted, and presenting a singularly complete picture of the two types of Moroccan town, the snowy and the tawny.

From skylights in the roofthere were no side windows to gratify the inquisitivethe sunlight streamed down on three or four partially completed aircraft.

Immediately afterward she completed the canoe test and joined that envied class who were allowed to take out a canoe on their own responsibility.

On one occasion he gave a sketch of a criminal trial in which he was employed as counsel; the story, as developed in court and completed by one of the parties subsequently, made so indelible an impression on my mind that I am constrained to write down its leading features.

From this time he seldom completed anything that he undertook.

To think with one's own head is always to aim at developing a coherent wholea system, even though it be not a strictly complete one; and nothing hinders this so much as too strong a current of others' thoughts, such as comes of continual reading.

Remarkably complete digestion and absorption follow.

A cap, like that he wore himself, was next produced, and being placed on the grey hairs of the fisherman, effectually completed his metamorphosis.

The magnificent Early English choir and the Norman transepts stand astonishingly complete in their splendid decay, and the lower portions of the nave, which, until 1922, lay buried beneath masses of grass-grown débris, are now exposed to view.

A singularly rapid succession of new administrations ensuedso rapid that the negotiations for peace which the first, that of Lord Rockingham, opened, were not formally completed till the third, known as the Coalition Ministry, was on the point of dismissal.

However, let this matter rest for the morning hours; rest and refresh yourself, so that, contented and humanly complete, you may accompany us farther into the interior tomorrow.

96 adverbs to describe how to  completed  - Adverbs for  completed