10 adverbs to describe how to concrete

The economic theories that, after infinite ferment, had shaped themselves in Hill's mind, became abruptly concrete at the contact.

This element is furnished in characteristically concrete form by the epilogue of the book, in which Job's prosperity is restored in double measure and he is personally assured of Jehovah's favor.

Again, you will perceive that many words once had more literal or more definitely concrete meanings than they have now.

I watched them for nearly half an hour, and in that space of time observed between twenty and thirty distil this fluid, which gradually concreted into a white substance.

The present method is this: the reporter sits listening to a tide of words which he does not try to understand, and does not, generally speaking, even try to take down; he waits until something occurs in the speech which for some reason sounds funny, or memorable, or very exaggerated, or, perhaps, merely concrete; then he writes it down and waits for the next one.

Our phraseology is therefore normally concrete.

The subject is ostensibly concrete; but France in her agonies and triumphs has been personified into a superb symbol of Meredith's own reading of human fate.

The mere sensuously concrete external nature as such has not this purpose for its only origin.

Although the sensuous form in which art clothes its content is not accidental, yet it is not the highest form whereby the spiritually concrete may be grasped.

We cannot conceive how beauty, for others, can be a thing of the hot sun, a thing of purple and orange and the hot sun, a thing of firm outlines, superbly concrete, marmoreal, sumptuous, magnificently animal.

10 adverbs to describe how to  concrete  - Adverbs for  concrete