17 adverbs to describe how to confidential

Your communication will be received as strictly confidential.

Before I explain what it is, may I ask that you will treat what I am about to tell you as purely confidential?" "My business is invariably a confidential one," I answered for the second time in two days.

In addition to his arduous and very responsible duties as quartermaster-general, he acted as inspector of engineers and as a special-service officer for work of an exceptionally confidential nature.

"We ain't the only ones that need a jab of dope, Dominie," said Mr. Hines, hard and pink and hoarsely confidential as when I first saw him.

He had argued with Dunkerley to the verge of indelicacy, and now he poured out a vast and increasingly confidential flow of talk upon Lewisham.

His eyes became profound, his voice dropped, his manner verged upon the intimately confidential.

"The matter ishighly confidential.

Ludicrous, uproarious, dignified, pious, sinful, naively confidential, secretive, altruistic, realistic.

This information, however, is believed never to have been deposited in any public office, or left in that of the President's secretary, these having been duly examined, but to have been considered as personally confidential, and therefore retained among his private papers.

We would have a real nice time, and along about fourth highball time after the show Wednesday night Alla would whisper real confidential into one of the fellows' ear that I was going to be twenty-one Friday and "we girls" are planning to give her a little surprise, and did he want to come in on it.

Surely a fellow may enjoy the luxury of being recklessly confidential once in half a decade or so, especially with an old friend and a trusted one.

"As a gentleman, a man, and a lawyer, you may trust me that every word shall be sacredly confidential.

The attraction he had, even from their first introduction, felt towards Miss Morriston had become quickly intensified by their strangely confidential talk on the previous evening.

" "It cannot be altogether that, Miles," Lucy added, in an appealing, but touchingly confidential manner, "you and I have known each other from children, and, whatever may be the weaknesses of one who is so dear to me, and who, I hope, has not altogether lost his hold on your own affections, we can still rely on each other.

But the young American's manner, so eager, so boyishly confidential, set him at his ease; while beneath this voluble flow of talk there moved a deeper current for which, all unconsciously, the child's spirit thirsted.

"Well," observed he one day, when discoursing with Photinius is an unusually confidential mood, "I am free to say that for my own part I don't think over much of poison.

"Now look here, Miss Miriam," said he, lowering his voice a little, but not enough to make him seem disrespectfully confidential, "what you want is a first-class colored cooknot Phoebe, she's no good cook, an' won't live in the country, an' is so mighty stuck up that she don't like nuthin' but wheat bread, an' ain't no 'count anyway.

17 adverbs to describe how to  confidential  - Adverbs for  confidential