4 adverbs to describe how to constructions

Here we found two native rafts of precisely the same construction as those we had previously seen on the North-west coast, formed out of nine poles.

The annals of Derbénd (Derbéndnámé) ascribe, but falsely, the construction of it to a certain Iskenderi.e.

We can all see, for this moment anyway, how so very much of what we have perceived of as reality is, in fact, merely social construction.

To the Senate of the United States: I transmit to the Senate, for consideration with a view to ratification, a treaty between the United States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and a declaration as to the construction thereof, both signed at Naples on the 1st day of October last.

4 adverbs to describe how to  constructions  - Adverbs for  constructions