29 adverbs to describe how to couldnt

They rode on to the next crossing, we following as we conveniently could.

Oliver knocked down as much of the Merlot, a good bottle, as he decently could.

To put it plainly, Sergeant Hooperhe had been a Sergeant for a brief and precarious three weeks, but he used the title in civil life whenever he safely could, and he could at InkstonSergeant Hooper was a villainous-looking dog.

For this reason, he endeavoured to appear as cheerful in conversation as he conscientiously could; though, in spite of all his precautions, some traces of that deep inward sense which he had of his guilt and misery would at times appear.

As I found I was to bear the brunt of the expense, I determined to make it as small as I consistently could, and have, therefore, made the volume somewhat smaller than was in my original plan.

I could, thou couldst, he could; Plur.

If you start anything like that I'll roast the life out of you!" Delany spat as near Hogan's foot as he elegantly could.

He did n' mix' wid ner talk much ter de res' er de niggers, en could n' 'pear ter git it th'oo

But ere he could the eager phrase repeat, The phrase his manly fancy found so sweet, The modest maiden toward him turned her face: Her eyes met his a moment's rapturous space, She spoke, her firm glance faltering scarce a jot, "I'd rather not.

"Happily I couldn't.

She never imaginedhow could she?that those letters would be published.

" "Oh, grandmother, couldn't you inquirecarefully, you know.

" "An' ye may well say that's a hape more nor she iver could.

Were you to read the nauseous Impertinences which are written on these Occasions, and to see the silly Creatures sighing over them, it could not but be Matter of Mirth as well as Pity.

" "Mayhap he could and mayhap he could not," quoth merry Robin, "but that we shall never know till thou hast shot thereat.

But, unless he had harassed Hunt for the repayment of the money, which does not appear to have been the case, nor could he morally, perhaps even legally, have done so, that gentleman had no cause to complain.

The reader would be greatly aided, in understanding what is to follow, could he, perchance, cast a look at a map of the coast of Italy.

"When I have gray hairs like those, sir," replied Isagani with equal sadness, "and turn my gaze back over my past and see that I have worked only for myself, without having done what I plainly could and should have done for the country that has given me everything, for the citizens that have helped me to livethen, sir, every gray hair will be a thorn, and instead of rejoicing, they will shame me!"

This would be so even on the assumption that the man from the moon could not read our alphabet, as presumably he could not, unless elementary education in that planet has gone to rather unsuspected lengths.

About three o'clock our servant told us that there was fighting at the Palais Royal, and we determined to go as far as we prudently could to see the tumult.

The cycle of the seasons brings round times of trial here as over the entire world, but the conditions under which the trial is sustained could scarcely in our day, and under our complicated social and political system, be much more favourable.

They came into use before they could be generally known, and the partial introduction of them could seldom with propriety be made a subject of instruction or record, even if there were letters and learning at hand to do them this honour.

310 This was the way our wise Redeemer chose (Who sure could all things for the best dispose), To fence his fold from their encroaching foes.

" It was a common thing among various Indian tribes for the women to court distinguished warriors; and though they might have no choice in the matter, they could at any rate place themselves temptingly in the way of these braves, who, on their part, had no occasion to be coy, since they could marry all the squaws they pleased.

" "Undoubtedly you could," said Aldous.

29 adverbs to describe how to  couldnt  - Adverbs for  couldnt