6 adverbs to describe how to cower

Every rumor of defeatand the news of some fresh defeat came dailywas her arraignment; impotently she cowered at God's knees, knowing herself a murderess, whose infamy was still afoot, outpacing her prayers, whose victims were battalions.

Jim shivered and involuntarily cowered.

He had stoppedthere was silencebut she heard footsteps outside, and she literally cowered into the darkest corner of the spring house.

I could not catch the eye of Ella cowering low in her seat, so could not judge what tender chords had been struck in her sensitive breast by these two assertions so dramatically offset against each otherthe one, his antagonism to the dead; the other, his freedom from the crime in which that antagonism was supposed to have culminated.

In his chair the little bent man now cowered lower and lower, one moment praying for strength, the next for death; feeling the blood surge through him like storm waves that would beat him down.

He positively cowered beneath the pent-up wrath of the marchesa.

6 adverbs to describe how to  cower  - Adverbs for  cower