81 adverbs to describe how to curse

She'll be killed, I tell ye!" Poor Mandy made inarticulate moanings and reached up her arms; Shade Buckheath cursed softly under his breath; the women and children stared, eager to lose no detail.

He came forth with a smile and addressed his chiefs, his officers, and men as they stood outside in groups, some downcast and silent, some bitterly cursing their foe and fate.

Inwardly he was cursing himself for a fool in having kept the cartridge.

He roundly cursed the "nigger" who fired the gun, and as a punishment for his carelessness, he was compelled to walk all the way back to Fort Hays.

"Yes, Nal, ye'd better go, an' sonny, ye needn't to come back; I like ye first rate, but ye needn't to come back!" Rinaldo walked home to the race track, and as he walked, cursed old man Bobo, cursed him heartily, in copious Western vernacular, from the peaky crown of his bald head to the tip of his ill-shaped, sockless toe.

the foreman kindly informed O'Brien, who cursed silently.

Shots were fired, the bullets whistling through the opening, the flare lighting up the black depths below, revealing vaguely a mass of frantic men staring up, and cursing us fiercely in a dozen languages; but, in spite of them, we clamped the hatch down tight, and locked it securely into place with an iron bar.

Silent cursed loudly in his relief.

It is said that one night as he was feasting a monk appeared before him and solemnly cursed him, prophesying that his family should perish by fire.

The laughter rose as he groped in the thin mud for it, still cursing wildly; and then the sergeant noticed that the man who had lost his cap a minute before had quietly snatched up the other one from the firing-step, clapped it on his own head and pretended to help the loser to search.

I heard Ringan curse deeply, for we had not thought of this stratagem.

Or shall I justly curse that cruel star, Whose influence assign'd this destiny?

"Too late for one job, partner, but just in time for the next!" Arizona cursed softly, steadily, through snarling lips.

He turned his head to curse savagely, and I showed him the folded sheet from my notebook.

I seized a glass of water and struggled with an imaginary obstruction in my throat, and mentally cursing my stupidity in telling my friend's private business to a stranger who had already betrayed an inordinate interest in the letter.

Such a night as bids the trim French sentry hug himself in his watch-coat, calmly cursing the weather, while he hums the chorus of a comic opera, driving his thoughts by force of contrast to the lustrous glow of the wine-shop, the sparkling eyes and gold ear-rings of Mademoiselle Thérèse, who presides over Love and Bacchus therein.

You sit and deliberately curse your hard exile from all familiar sights and sounds.

Ere you curse me further, say!

"Carlos," she said slowly, "if you ever strike a blow like that, be eternally cursed by me.

Yet the breastwork did not protect us wholly, for now and then a man would throw up his arms and fall with a single shrill cry, or roll over in the mud of the trench, cursing horribly, with a bullet in him somewhere.

But damn the man with curses loud, and deep, who first inventedearly rising.

And as they went they shivered, and each man as he shivered cursed the rain aloud.

[Footnote 4: 'cursed spight'not merely that he had been born to do hangman's work, but that he should have been born at allof a mother whose crime against his father had brought upon him the wretched necessity which must proclaim her ignominy.

No doubt they resented a storekeeper's intrusion into well-bred company, and some were there who had publicly cursed me for a meddlesome upstart.

And shall our fated race ne'er rise again With blessings crown'd?All mortal things decay The noblest powers, the purest joys of life At length subside: then wherefore not the curse?

81 adverbs to describe how to  curse  - Adverbs for  curse