66 adverbs to describe how to curve

It stopped, quivered, and curved itself upward until it rattled like a fairy drum upon the glass shield.

Passing on toward the open plain, I noticed three well-defined terminal moraines curved gracefully across the cañon stream, and joined by long splices to the two noble laterals.

Its color is of a yellowish white, and it forms an imperfect circle twelve inches round, curving upwards to the centre.

The lower limbs curve downward, gradually take a horizontal position about half-way up the trunk, then aspire more and more toward the summit, thus forming a sharp, conical top.

One side of it was curving inward, as though a convex, black shadow were sweeping across it.

He did not stand quite on the edge, but fell upon his knees a couple of yards away, wringing his hands, moaning and weeping, and staring through his watery eyes at a fine, long crevice just discernible under the matted grass, and curving outward on either hand toward the river.

They should not curve up too abruptly in front and they should be about one inch apart in the centre when laid flat one against the other.

Perhaps there may be a young ram or two whose horns have already begun to curve backward, but for the most part they are females and young.

See how proudly he curves his slender neck!

There, immediately in front, loomed the majestic mass of Mount Ritter, with a glacier swooping down its face nearly to my feet, then curving westward and pouring its frozen flood into a dark blue lake, whose shores were bound with precipices of crystalline snow; while a deep chasm drawn between the divide and the glacier separated the massive picture from everything else.

I hesitated, and just then the stately head turned round to look behind, and exposing the beautifully curving neck full to my aim, I fired, and had the satisfaction of seeing the fine buck topple over, seemingly hard hit.

he continued, as the launch curved swiftly to port.

Her face was open and cheerful; her eyebrows curved; her cheeks curved; her mouth curved widely around and up at the corners.

A short bridge curved high, like a camel's hump, over the glimmering half-circle of a single arch.

[Footnote 2: Changngo, the goddess of the moon, gives her name to the finely curved eyebrows of the Chinese ladies, which are compared to the lunar crescent when only a day or two old.]

Their enormous size was out of all proportion to the animal's body, and they curved backwards and downwards, and then curled up again in a sharp point.

Its sensitive lips pouted with a child's pout, its pointed chin was delicate with the delicacy that is lost when the teeth have had often to be clenched in resolve; its cheek was curved so softly, its long eyelashes shaded that cheek so purely.

[Illustration] PLATE 12 The Raising of Mount Govardhana Illustration to an incident from the Bhagavata Purana Garhwal, Punjab Hills, c. 1790 National Museum, New Delhi With Plate 7, an example of Garhwal painting and its use of smoothly curving line.

He sniffed his hand and dropped down heavily at his feet, watching the trail where it curved emptily from view.

Route 30 curved endlessly along the banks of the Pepacton Reservoir.

And as he sighed, lo, in that moment the moon peeped forth of a cloud-rift and he beheld the nun looking up at him with eyes deep and wistful, and, as she gazed, her lips curved in slow and tender smile ere her lashes drooped, and sighing, she hid her face against him in the folds of her mantle, while Beltane must needs bethink him of other eyes so very like, and yet so false, and straightwaysighed.

He draws out the broad hay-knifea vast blade, wide at the handle, the edge gradually curving to a pointand then searches for the rubber or whetstone, stuck somewhere in the side of the rick.

" A long, straggling, boulder-strewn plateau lay on the summit of the red hills, sloping very precipitously to the plain, save at one point, where a winding gully curved downwards, its mouth choked with sand-mounds and olive-hued scrub.

He stretched up and back and away from it with a ridiculous wiggle, that was the more ridiculous when he saw the ball curve harmlessly over the plate and heard the umpire cry: "Strikeone!" He upbraided himself for his fear, and when the next ball was pitched, though he felt sure that it was going to strike him on the shoulder, he did not budge.

These marked the headlands of the cove, and the waterfront curved inland as far as what is now the site of the Donahue monument to mechanics at Market and Battery streets.

66 adverbs to describe how to  curve  - Adverbs for  curve