8 adverbs to describe how to cuss

Bairn y-born of a beerde bright, Full courteous was thy comely cus: kiss.

The sea's got an ugly swell to it, an' the feller likely cussed afore he thought.

Charming Billy, as was consistent with his hunger and his weariness and the general mood of him, "cussed" rather fluently and jerked the horse forward a step or two before he saw some one poised hesitatingly upon the manger in the nearest stall.

At this moment, while the train was still a little over two miles from the foot of the bluff, and the Apache camp more than three miles to the rear, Texas Smith shouted, "The cusses hev got the news.

The sea's got an ugly swell to it, an' the feller likely cussed afore he thought.

" Well, sir, I'm hanged if that fellow, whom I'd raised from the time he was old enough to poke a barrel along the runways with a pointed stick, didn't blow a cloud of cigar smoke in my face to show that he was just as big as I was, and start tight in to regularly cuss me out.

And I cussed for ten minutes straight, without repeating myself once, when it so fell out that the members of the board rolled out our way the day the girl had to be sent for, and Jonesy couldn't break loose, and your Uncle was elected to take the buckboard and drive twenty miles to the railroad.

They sure did cuss him: 'The , , , old senator,' they would say.

8 adverbs to describe how to  cuss  - Adverbs for  cuss