6 adverbs to describe how to daylight

I ought to know where I am; but it is scarcely daylight yet.

I once druv there in the daytime, an' it tuk me four hours, an' if you went to-night you couldn't get there afore daylight.

The fleet, consisting of four sail (I use this word in its purely conventional sense, a dounga having no more sails than a battleship), got under way about 5 A.M., while it was yet but barely daylight, and so we were well clear of Srinagar when we emerged from our cosy cabins into a world of clean air and brilliant colour.

Morning dawned wet and gray, after a miserable night; they were drenched to the skin, and almost spent with weariness and hunger, and now that a wan and ghostly daylight had come they were no better for it, for an impenetrable fog shut them in on every side.

Megapodii were here very plentiful, and about daylight very noisy, running about in all directions, repeating their loud call of chro-cochro-co.

This did not escape Mr. Van Torp's watchful eye, but instead of making tea at once he looked at his watch, after which he crossed the room to the window and stood thoughtfully gazing through the panes at the fast disappearing outlines of the roofs and chimney-pots which made up the view when there was daylight outside.

6 adverbs to describe how to  daylight  - Adverbs for  daylight