18 adverbs to describe how to defiant

That morning, however, she was distinctly resentful, distinctly defiant.

Lorenzo was openly defiant and scornful of the teachings of the Church, and after his death a French king, Charles VIII, was able to enter Italy and march from end to end of it without opposition.

The imperial system of his dreams was as recklessly defiant of physical difficulties as it was heedless of all the sentiments of national tradition.

His face was flushed, his eyes gleamed fearlessly defiant.

Instead, his memory was conjuring up a pair of subtle, blue-gray eyes, now pleading, now coquettish, now frankly defiant; two slim, white, wonderful hands; the echo of a pleasant, throaty laugh; a splendid, elusive, radiant-haired phantom.

I suppose my gaze was earnest; for his eyes instantly fell, but, recovering, he returned my look with a stare so impudently defiant that I directed my attention at once elsewhere.

He was not so magnificently defiant as before, but he scowled at his unaccustomed surroundings under his dark brows.

Her feet spurned the ground and tripped lightly among the grasses, her shoulders swinging easily, the feather in her hat nodding, mischievously defiant.

His voice sounded oddly defiant, almost savage.

But the Cathedral stands, high above the level of disaster, a unique target, and a target successfully defiant.

A grim meaning rose in the vacuous eye of Lovel; Isaacs caressed his diamond pin, smiling in a sickly fashion; McNamara's wandering stare fixed and grew unhumanly bright; Ufert openly dropped his hand on his gun-butt and stood sullenly defiant.

She had now, indeed, a manner half apologetic and half defiant, but timorously and weakly defiant.

A gaunt, sunken-eyed old hawk of the desert he lay there in the sand, unblinkingly defiant.

On the other hand, Mr. Ward, with the greatest good-humour, was unreservedly defiant and aggressive.

They made frequent anxious, yet amusedly defiant, mention of a certain Pointe Canadienne.

The critic ascribes his power to ridicule,a Lucian, who destroyed but did not reconstruct; worldly, material, sceptical, defiant, utterly lacking that earnestness without which nothing permanently great can be effected.

She walked off rapidly, trying to imitate the fine, free, calmly defiant bearing of Mr. Cannon and the policeman.

His dismissal was at hand, he knew, and then the carelessly defiant speech which was forming in his throat died away.

18 adverbs to describe how to  defiant  - Adverbs for  defiant