48 adverbs to describe how to delaying

And purposely he delayed his answer till her patience gave way and she was clutching his arm with frantic hands.

We got at last on to the slopes, but found the road broken in several places, which delayed the column considerably; luckily, I knew the Levies were on ahead, but I was glad when we reached the end of the bad track.

Then, the settlements unavoidably delayed, by his neglect!How shall I bear such a life of procrastination!I, who, as to my will, and impatience, and so forth, am of the true lady-make, and can as little bear controul and disappointment as the best of them!

[Descends from his horse and seems to grieve with Chaoukeun.] Let our attendants delay awhile, till we have conferred the parting cup.

To compel him before buying the note to learn all the details of its history, might be embarrassing to the parties, even where everything is all right, and would certainly delay, perhaps materially, the transfer.

It was obvious, too, that Congress believed with the President that another demand should be made, in order to give undeniable and satisfactory proof of our desire to avoid extremities with a neighboring power, but that there was an indisposition to vest a discretionary authority in the Executive to take redress should it unfortunately be either denied or unreasonably delayed by the Mexican Government.

The Sultan, however, soon repented of what he had done, and continually delayed the fulfilment of his promise to evacuate certain frontier fortresses.

" The secretary whom the Doge had designated by a glance had approached and received a rapid order, spoken in an undertone; Marina had fallen, almost fainting, upon her husband's arm, as he reached her after the permission so intolerably delayed, yet he dared not move in that imperious presence without further bidding.

The travellers thus who wildly roam, Or heedlessly delay, Are left, when they should reach their home, Benighted on the way.

But the contrary is the case: even the epidemic of crime foreshadowed by Mrs. Pankhurst could not appreciably delay woman suffrage.

The choice of British royalty between its peoples and its cousins cannot be indefinitely delayed.

No matter who waited for him, he would not delay this visit.

By his own account, so far as he had given any, his wound had merely delayed his departure to New York, where he had pressing business.

Their entrance was momentarily delayed by the door which stuck fast.

She sighed, too, with a sort of mild impatience that the information she sought with so much eagerness, was so long and needlessly delayed.

Under this expectation a reply to the application from Maine was temporarily delayed; the more readily as about the time of its reception the Representatives of Maine, acting in reference to one of those resolutions, had a full and free conversation with the President.

His own personality creeps into the stories when he has some favorite sermon to preach; and he sometimes taxes the reader's patience by unduly delaying the narrative or even directing its course in order to accentuate the moral issue.

It is sometimes used by a minority to delay unnecessarily the proper transaction of business.

THOAS Wherefore delay the sacrifice?

As she had chosen, so had it come to pass; yet involuntarily she delayed.

Monson, on the other hand, and Greene, the English consul at Scutari, exerted their influence in every way for the principality, and but for them the supplies of grain from Russia, which had been sent on during the armistice and had been maliciously delayed by the authorities at Scutari as they came by water through the Boyana, would probably have been stopped at the critical moment by the outbreak of hostilities.

I had little doubt that I could mingle, without great danger, with the rebels, seeing that my gum-blanket would hide my uniform, and was tempted to do so; the thought was rejected, however; time was lacking; it would soon be day; I knew enough already; I could not hope to learn from the rebels much more than I now knew, and every step farther away from our lines would doubly delay my report.

Here the river loses much of its importance; and in summer, the steam-boats are not unfrequently delayed in their voyage (if it may be so designated) for lack of water.

These seem to serve two purposes, to increase the extent of the surface of the bowels and to delay mechanically the progress of the intestinal contents.

And, willy, cunning; artful he delays, Evades, eludes, and finally escapes.

48 adverbs to describe how to  delaying  - Adverbs for  delaying