26 adverbs to describe how to detest

They well know, my lords, that they are universally detested, and that wherever a Briton is destroyed, they are freed from an enemy; they have, therefore, opened the floodgates of gin upon the nation, that when it is less numerous, it may be more easily governed.

This pleased nearly all who were in Rome at the time,for they cordially detested Antony,but particularly Cicero.

But how she must abhor me to run all these risques; how heartily she must detest me for my freedoms of last night!

But the hectoring man is, with few exceptions, secretly detested.

The sick man ought, at this moment, to detest anew all the steps that he has taken in the path of iniquity, such as scandalous walks, and criminal interviews....

But that reminds me of a Beautiful Tale: Deacon K lacked the confidence of the inhabitants of M. He was most sincerely detested for his hypocrisy and double-dealing, and so very unpopular, that a few wags conceived the idea of drawing up a paper requesting him to leave town.

There can be no better sign of our future happiness, than for you to say, beforehand, that you utterly detest the man of your choice.

How great, my lords, would be the disappointment of the people, that unhappy people which has been long neglected and oppressed, which so justly detests the minister, and calls so loudly for vengeance, when they shall see their defenders remit the vigour of the pursuit, when once the minister flies before them, and instead of driving him into exile, contend about his places!

[Footnote 60: Conrade Vorstius, a learned divine, who was peculiarly detested by the Calvinists, and who had even the honour to be attacked by King James the First, of England, was born in 1569.

No matter what she had felt toward Gratton before, she detested him now; no matter what he might have appeared in San Francisco, here in his unaccustomed garb he looked to her puny, shallow, and contemptible.

Lady Macbeth is merely detested; and though the courage of Macbeth preserves some esteem, yet every reader rejoices at his fall.

He has the advantage, too, of being but moderately detested in comparison of his rival, and, what he values more, the interest of the mistress.

The love of country being thus associated with love of the Church, the people were enslaved by the very religious leaders who aided them in the fight against those forms of arbitrary power they mutually detested.

The hounds, wearing cloth moccasins, which plainly they detested, trotted in front.

On the other hand, if Alexander remained neutral, his faith would be trodden under foot, and that by a power which he detested both politically and religiously,a power, too, with which Russia had often been at war.

But the king, a zealot in paganism, bitterly and scornfully detested the Jewish religion, and resolved to root it out.

Chance took me to a table presided over by a waiter I singularly detested, and the last embers of my greatness enabled me to order my drink in a voice so passionate that he looked at me aghast and fled.

Waally he detested.

But the king, a zealot in paganism, bitterly and scornfully detested the Jewish religion, and resolved to root it out.

This good negress had been made a slave by the Moors, who had torn her from the arms of her mother; she consequently detested them, and called them the banditti of the desert; she said to the two whites, in very good French: "are they not very villainous people?"

Deceit doth now become Doubly detested.

But of course she will not; for she frankly detests the country,that is, except Newport and Staten Island,is wedded even in summer to her trim back-yard that looks like a picture in a seed catalogue, and, like a faithful spouse, declines to leave it or Josephus for more than a few days.

By the way though, it's done me good in one sense, for I find I don't detest him quite so hideously as I did.

It is a covenant of love between human beings who instinctively detest one another.

You know as well as I do how intensely he has always detested spiritualism.

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