5 adverbs to describe how to dialoguing

The hand of Art will be too visible in it, against that maxim of all professions, Ars est celare artem; 'that it is the greatest perfection of Art, to keep itself undiscovered.' "Nor will it serve you to object, that however you manage it, 'tis still known to be a Play; and consequently the dialogue of two persons, understood to be the labour of one Poet.

" To speeches like these, Andrea opposed his explanations and his philosophy, until the discussion became animated, and the dialogue loud.

Though ostensibly a dialogue mainly between himself, Tickler (i.e., Lockhart), and Hogg the Ettrick Shepherdwith other occasional dramatis personae; the main bulk of them (including everything here quoted) was written by Wilson himselfin this form, to produce an original effect.

In the next place, that the reader may see whence and from what dialogues principally the theological dogmas of Plato may be collected, I shall present him with the following translation of what Proclus has admirably written on this subject.

Tolerably well-written dialogue is nowadays the rule rather than the exception.

5 adverbs to describe how to  dialoguing  - Adverbs for  dialoguing