41 adverbs to describe how to disagreeables

Toast-and-water should always be made a short time before it is required, to enable it to get cold: if drunk in a tepid or lukewarm state, it is an exceedingly disagreeable beverage.

When we crossed the tropic and came fairly into the channel separating the western coast of the continent on which the Astronaut had landed from the eastern seabord of that upon whose southern coast I was presently to disembark, this disturbance was even worse than, except on peculiarly disagreeable occasions, in the Straits of Dover.

In his heart there may have existed a grudge against the Almighty for placing him in a position which was not only intensely disagreeable, but also somewhat ridiculous.

A sieve or tammy should be kept expressly for onions: an old one answers the purpose, as it is liable to retain the flavour and smell, which of course would be excessively disagreeable in delicate preparations.

"If he's as queer as you say," murmured Mrs. Cravath, "he can make it awfully disagreeable for us.

He says the sensation of being in the world, and yet not a part of it, was an extraordinarily disagreeable one.

Another,the same person evidently: the same clear breadth and development of brain, but a subdued and almost heavenly expression of the eyes, while the mouth was quite a secondary feature, scarcely disagreeable.

It has not occurred to these critics that there is something essentially disagreeable in the thought of an aged couple entertaining an amorous correspondence.

This marriage is doubly disagreeable to Venice, who has nearly as much need of the bridegroom as of the bride.

It seldom happens, that an assembly of pleasure is so happily selected, but that some one finds admission, with whom the rest are deservedly offended; and it will appear, on a close inspection, that scarce any man becomes eminently disagreeable, but by a departure from his real character, and an attempt at something for which nature or education have left him unqualified.

Probably it is my duty to declare here that Martin and his friends were almost all made in Germany before the War, but as they are exceptionally disagreeable and quite unlikely to inspire anyone with an unjust tenderness for their nation I have no hesitation in recommending the book as a clever study of temperament and a just picture of a part of the German musical world as it was

Some day you'd end by strangling me, which would be horribly disagreeable for me, and then they'd hang you for it, you know, and that would be equally disagreeable for you.

It was so immensely disagreeable to be patronized by this puffy-eyed sensualist that I could not resist the impulse to argue with him.

It necessitates a very strenuous life, and many unpleasant details of work, which are unimportant to a person to whom the occupation is acceptable as a whole, but which would be quite insuperably disagreeable to any one to whom the total idea of life embodied in it was unattractive.

" "My dear," he protested, "I assure you I am not intentionally disagreeable.

But the marriage was intirely disagreeable to her brother.

The sound of her mirth was intolerably disagreeable to Mary.

It is not merely disagreeable, but hateful.

Instead: "It will be mighty disagreeable for Don Andres, trying to keep things smooth," he said.

The love-song is a confined, grating, but not offensively disagreeable, tone,something that we can imitate, but have a difficulty in expressing'Hurr-hurrhurr-r-r-r hoo,' ending in a deep hollow tone, not unlike the sound produced by blowing into a large reed.

He had not done so but had made himself persistently disagreeable, and had continued to show that he was waiting impatiently for his father's death.

The sight of an ecclesiastic was personally disagreeable to him, for the cassock made him think of the shroud, and he detested the one from some fear of the other.

This morning as she sat idly rocking on the veranda, she felt that negative happiness which consists in the disappearance of a positively disagreeable thing.

But I'm not seeking reasons, nor am I seeking disagreeable publicityonly the money.

" SHE."You are real disagreeable to-night, and I'm sorry I came with you.

41 adverbs to describe how to  disagreeables  - Adverbs for  disagreeables