19 adverbs to describe how to dismounted

"Hastily dismounting, I was soon beside it, excitedly asking: 'Who in the name of wonder are you?'

I cautiously dismounted.

So he perceived that beyond the court-yard was a fair space of grass, very smooth and green, well fitted for battle, wherefore he dismounted from his horse and tied it to a ring in the wall, and then he went to that green field and made him ready for whatever might befall.

Hannibal now, according to his own statement, numbered not more than 20,000 infantryof whom three-fifths were Libyans and two-fifths Spaniardsand 6000 cavalry, part of them doubtless dismounted: the comparatively small loss of the latter proclaimed the excellence of the Numidian cavalry no less than the consideration of the general in making a sparing use of troops so select.

The Scotchman very generously dismounts, and engages him with his sword, and fairly masters him, and carries him away prisoner; and I think this horse was all the blood was shed in that war.

Now she dismounted gracefully from her horse and came toward the children, holding out her hand.

"I fear he intends to drown himself," whispered M. Grandissime, as they hurriedly dismounted.

Five minutes afterward Mr. Ralph Ashley dismounted at the door of the Bower of Nature.

The Colonel only drew his rein, and, dismounting mechanically, contemplated the sight before him.

But midway in his tale the boy had dismounted with a gasp, and he was now inspecting the features of one carcass.

They obeyed; they dismount, rush onward, and for vancouriers show their bucklers.

" While the little trot is going on, the society young lady improves the shining hour by asking the master "if he does not think it cruel to make a poor horse go just as fast as it can," to which he replies that the horse will desire to go quite as long as she can or will, whereupon she withdraws into the cave of sulkiness again, but brightens perceptibly as you dismount and join her.

The wires were promptly dismounted, and silk skeins substituted for them.

Upon which Pírán respectfully dismounted, and paid the usual homage to his illustrious rank and distinction.

I watched the prisoners unceremoniously dismounted and huddled together against the coming of the Duke.

Tired by the unusual exercise of horseback riding, I entered Jerusalem at a walk, and throwing my bridle to a Kamchadal in blue nankeen shirt and buckskin trousers, who saluted me with a reverential bow, I wearily dismounted and entered the house which Viushin indicated as the one we were to occupy.

Meantime, the others had dismounted, and Wingfield, bidding Nizza Macascree go in, led the way to the barn, where the horses were tied up, and fodder placed before them.

On arriving at the inn, he calmly dismounted, and called upon the ostler by name.

Consequently we dismounted and pushed our way home.

19 adverbs to describe how to  dismounted  - Adverbs for  dismounted