12 adverbs to describe how to disparage

She was not of herself disposed to like him very much, and Panshine, who had got her thoroughly under his influence, had praised him the evening before in a very astutely disparaging manner.

Sharon Whipple was blindly disparaging.

If you must vilify, condemn and eternally disparage, why, resign your position, and then when you are outside, damn to your heart's content.

Such is the peculiar power of language, that there is scarcely any subject so trifling, that it may not thereby be plausibly magnified into something great; nor are there many things which cannot be ingeniously disparaged till they shall seem contemptible.

Nor, lastly, am I disparaging or discouraging the thorough acquisition of any one of these studies, or denying that, as far as it goes, such thorough acquisition is a real education of the mind.

Of course this did not explain why Miss Lansdale should visually but patently disparage me at this moment.

So the following comparison, in which Parsing is plainly disparaged, stands permanently at the head of "the chapter on Analysis," to commend first one mode, and then an other: "It is particularly desirable that pupils should pass as early as practicable from the formalities of common PARSING, to the more important exercise of ANALYZING critically the structure of language.

He is the terror of Doctor Strong's young gentlemen, whom he publicly disparages.

As a sadly disparaging opinion had been quoted, at p. 40., from Lord Dartmouth, I hope you will allow the following remarks on the testimony of that nobleman to appear in your columns: "No person has contradicted Burnet more frequently, or with more asperity, than Dartmouth.

Some modern artists are jealous of or indifferent to past genius, and sedulously disparage it in view of their own immediate interests.

"Yet I ought not to disparage him unduly, for he was the one specimen in my collection, up to that time, who presented the orthodox 'stigmata of degeneration.'

Of course this did not explain why Miss Lansdale should visually but patently disparage me at this moment.

12 adverbs to describe how to  disparage  - Adverbs for  disparage