26 adverbs to describe how to dominating

Now it dominated the old man utterly; the world beyond the rectangular top of the table did not exist; now its elixir poured through his arteries so that for the first time in months there came pinkish spots upon the withered cheeks, showing through the scattering soiled grey hairs of his beard. ...

She was strong and vital and healthy, and her personality was as distinctly dominating as her physical self.

Economically, the efforts to get and keep natural resources and labor power and to use them to Our advantage and Their disadvantage dominates the field of livelihood.

When we remember how essentially his art dominated his own country and was admired elsewhere, we might thinkI had almost said fearthat his brilliant, vigorous, and voluptuous manner would attract all artists of his day to essay his imitation.

Hence, if a crime manifests itself, repression may be employed as one of the remedies of criminology, but it should be the very last, not the exclusively dominating one, as it is today.

Externally, according to his conception, the cupola dominated and crowned the edifice when viewed from a moderate or a greater distance.

Drawing everywhereon his books and slates, on doors and gate-posts, or on the whitewashed wall of the old Tudor school-room, where a hunt, drawn with a burned stick, and gloriously dominating the whole room, had provoked the indulgence, even the praise, of the headmaster.

Happily (for my taste, anyhow) the humour of the play dominates its sentiment.

The voters would then come to the poll after twenty or twenty-four hours' rest, and their own thoughts would have some power of asserting themselves even in the presence of the canvasser, whose hustling energy now inevitably dominates the tired nerves of men who have just finished their day's work.

Can France lastingly dominate and menace a country like Germany, which at no distant date will have a population double that of France?

He carried with him the report of the Commission, whose deliberations and decisions he had so manifestly dominated.

Whatever Bosio's true relations with Matilde had been in the course of the last ten years, he had at least loved her faithfully, with the complete devotion of a man who not only loves a woman, but is morally dominated by her in all the circumstances of life.

Each of these gradually dissolved, passing by slow degrees into several higher or more perfect shapes, till there stood before our eyes a picture of life as it exists at present; and Man in its midst, more obviously even than on Earth, dominating and subduing the fellow-creatures of whom he is lord.

Authority lent inches to his stature, so that he seemed to dominate his company physically as well as spiritually.

Tall, handsome, brilliant, at perfect ease, he plainly dominated every group of which he was a part.

And with the impression of its solemn beauty was blent a despairing awe of the artist who, of a little coloured earth, had created such a masterpiece of vitality, thrown on to a thin screen of canvas so enduringly palpable, so sumptuous, and so poignantly dominating a reflection of his visions.

The Germans exploited their ecclesiastical influence in order completely to dominate the Slavs politically, and as a result the latter were only allowed to see the Church through Teutonic glasses.

We started for Irkutsk on the 25th, having been warned that the road to Kansk was practically dominated by the revolters.

In the first place, narrowness, due to the confinement to a single action in which the elements of human skill or strength are largely eliminated; secondly, monotony, in the assimilation of man to a machine, whereby seemingly the machine dominates man and not man the machine, and, thirdly, irrationality, in that work became dissociated in the mind of the worker with any complete or satisfying achievement.

She had to have blue distancethe great, long look that swept away the little petty, trifling, hampering things, which so slavishly dominate our lives, if we will let them.

Mo's father had slyly dominated the family even though her mother had all the money.

Still, dominated subconsciously by the thought which had brought her to the telephone, Gloria managed before the connection was broken to beg her mother to come immediately to her at the log house; to tell every one that Gloria was with her father.

For the fact has at last come home to the nations of the world that ultimately the English-speaking peoples will dominate itdominate it, because they are the practical peoples.

When the man goes into the wilderness to change into a hunter that surviving kinship with the savage revives in his being, and all unconsciously dominates him with driving passion.

The Catalan navy still continued to dominate the Mediterranean commercially, adding to its ancient vessels great galleons, lighter galleys, caravels, cattle boats, and other ships of the period.

26 adverbs to describe how to  dominating  - Adverbs for  dominating