18 adverbs to describe how to dots

If you wish to see what the German soldier can do for love, you have to visit the chateaux which are dotted so thickly all over the Belgian countryside.

At the age of seven or eight years it begins to bear cones, not on branches, but on the main axis, and, as they never fall off, the trunk is soon picturesquely dotted with them.

The plains were thinly dotted with a coarse wiry grass.

By the following day the country on the east bank had become a vast marshy plain dotted here and there by tree-clad patches of higher land.

A thickly-populated province, only sparsely dotted with lofty hills, would be ill-suited for the residence of a nomadic hunting race ignorant of agriculture.

"Many of the enemy were killed or wounded and the numerous thick woods which dot the country north of the Marne are filled with German stragglers.

He was a heavy, fat fellow, wearing a jerkin and hose of fiery yellow, greatly puffed out at his arms and thighs, and profusely dotted with small red tufts, sewed on, which looked as if innumerable tongues were protruding from him.

Ugh!" "Christ didn't think of that when He washed the feet of His disciples," said little Dot, sententiously.

A schooner, the Herald, was built in the Bay of Islands to act as messenger and carrier between the missionary stations, whichpleasant oases in the desert of barbarismbegan to dot the North Island from Whangaroa as far south as Rotorua among the Hot Lakes.

The hills were darkening on their eastern slopes; the shadows of the few poplars that sparsedly dotted the dusty highway were falling in long black lines that looked like ditches on the dead level of the tawny fields; the shadows of slowly moving cattle were mingling with their own silhouettes, and becoming more and more grotesque.

A glance at any account of the mobilization of woman-power in Great Britain, Miss Fraser's admirable "Women and War Work," for instance, will reveal the printed page dotted thick with the names of volunteer associations.

The rest of this scene recalls not unsuccessfully Molière's sans dot in "l'Avare," Act I., Scene 5.] ACT III.

The leaves are narrow and lanceolate, silvery on both sides, and dotted over with rusty-brown scales beneath.

There is something too at all times very mock-Indian in the theatrical French millinery tie of the Pottawottomi turban; while it is next to impossible for a sober white man, at first sight, to believe that the red, green, black, blue, and yellow cosmetics, with which he sees such grave personages so variously dotted, diapered, cancelled, and arabesqued are worn by them in any mood but one of the deepest and most desperate quizzing.

Not Dot, decidedly.

The colour is pale, irregularly blotched, spotted, and streaked with brown, the markings varying considerably in different individuals; it is also dotted irregularly with white.

And peering into the shadows I observed a dim form seated on one of the rustic benches which so liberally dotted this pleasance and another dim form standing beside same.

You cannot explain by them what makes any single phenomenon be or goyou merely dot out the path of appearances which it traverses.

18 adverbs to describe how to  dots  - Adverbs for  dots