66 adverbs to describe how to droop

The air had grown oppressively sultry; no breath of wind stirred the heavily drooping leaves, no sound except the rhythmic splash of the fountain and the soft lapping of the waves upon the beach.

Oncetwicetwenty times they made that slow circle, and with each turn they made the old bull turned, and his breath grew heavier and his head drooped lower.

Its cylindrical racemes of berries of various hues, from green to dark purple, six or seven inches long, are gracefully drooping on all sides, offering repasts to the birds; and even the sepals from which the birds have picked the berries are a brilliant lake-red, with crimson flame-like reflections, equal to anything of the kind,all on fire with ripeness.

In the darkness of a night made opaque by approaching showers, a man stands under the low-drooping branches of the edge of a wood skirting the cross-road leading down to Gospeler's Gulch.

Her hands drooped down a little wearily on either side, her head was thrown back.

It was easy to see that he was much depressedhis usually rosy cheeks hung flaccid, his mustachios drooped limply, his little black eyes were suffused and needed frequent wipinga service performed by a hand that was none too steady.

And so presently her body drooping gradually to a reflective posture, she falls dreaming again, to rouse herself suddenly at some new prompting of her spirit, and give us all her thoughts, all eagerness for two moments, all melting sweetness the next, with her pretty manner of clinging to her father's arm, and laying her cheek against his shoulder.

"Yes," she replied, her lashes drooping demurely; "they say the music is going to be swell.

The lock of hair seemed to droop rather pathetically at that moment; his sensitive features were slightly pinched; his face was pale.

Their bandages were stained with scarlet splotches, and some of them were so weak that they left their ranks and sat in doorways, or on the kerb-stones, with their heads drooping sideways.

At sunrise, Mayne hoisted the house-flag, and the Stars and Stripes drooped languidly half way up the ensign staff, until the glassy calm broke and the sea breeze straightened the blue and silver folds.

At first upright, the gorgeous bells droop downward, and fall unwithered to the ground, and are thence called by the Creoles "Cupid's Tears."

Revere the pale still brow, The meekly drooping head, The long hair's willowy flow!

And he drooped his wings dejectedly, But still his voice was firm; "I do not want to be a fly!

No, not merely asleepthe twisted unnatural lie of the limbs, the contorted legs, the one arm drooping listlessly but stiffly over the side of the berth, told of a deeper, more eternal sleep.

thy sorrows give o'er, Nor droop so forlornly that beautiful head!

Night dampness had sent her shivering, the plumage of her hat, the ferny feathers of the bird-of-paradise, drooping almost grotesquely over the brim.

My eyelids are still hopelessly drooped over my eyes, but, by some sense that is not eyesight, I am aware that there is a sort of shyness in his face, a diffidence in his address.

I beheld its considerable area desolated, the forges cold, the hammers stilled, the fields overgrown, the ships rotting at their docks, the stalwart mechanics drooping idly above their unfinished tasks.

Cut off from them he languished as a lover of the sea can droop inland, or a mountaineer may pine in the flat monotony of the plains.

"Roses are like women: they lose their subtler fragrance when plucked; but, like women, their heads always droop invitingly.

There they laythe soft-featured Nee-Koo; the gnarled old face of Gnob; Makamuk, grinning at her with his lifted upper lip; and lastly, Nossabok, his eyelid, up to its old trick, drooped on his girlish cheek in a suggestive wink.

But, when thy head drooped flow'r-like on my breast, Then did no word our souls' communion mar: Love spake to love without a sign or glance, And heart to heart its inmost depth revealed

She has a tender frame, and looks like a drooping lily, for the roses are fled from her cheeks.

His head was bowed upon his breast and his hands drooped limp on either side; and so he came slowly riding, as though sunk in sad thoughts, while even his good horse, the reins loose upon his neck, walked with hanging head, as though he shared his master's grief.

66 adverbs to describe how to  droop  - Adverbs for  droop