11 adverbs to describe how to ensconcing

But, snugly ensconced in the train rapide, our hearts beat high with joy, for at last were we homeward bound.

And he, willing to compromise with her, readily consented; and in a day or two the child and his grandmother were comfortably ensconced in their new quarters.

In the bushes he ensconced himself safely.

There, cosily ensconced beside her aunt, with the little yellow dog at her feet, the dog's mistress told her story, with various exclamations and interjections of, "Now wasn't it horrid of them?" and "Did you ever know anything so ridiculous?" while auntie listened with great interest, her only comment at the end being, "Well, they're not worth minding, Peggy, and I wouldn't act as if I'd heard what they said when you meet them.

The Chevalier de Rohan, prudently ensconced in a second vehicle, and superintending theexecution of his cowardly vengeance, shouted to his servants, "Don't hit him on the head; something good may come out of it."

In the other direction, in a house near the corner, another man named Blair was similarly ensconced, and he, too, had been watching as she wrote.

The girls, leaving the boys to look after the aëroplanes, ran to the side of the car and were speedily ensconced in its roomy tonneau.

And he was ruthless in the extermination of recalcitrant communities, like Agrapha on the Aspropotarno, which had never been inscribed on the taxation-rolls of the Romaic or the Ottoman treasury, or Suli, a robber clan ensconced in the mountains Immediately west of Ali's capital.

He wound the strap around his wrist and strove to ensconce himself deeper in a place not large enough for him.

It is common for the ryot to dig a shallow pit, and ensconce himself inside with his matchlock beside him.

The curving shore is clearly traced by a ribbon of white sand upon which the ripples play; then comes a belt of broad-leafed sedges, interrupted here and there by impenetrable tangles of willows; beyond this there are groves of trembling aspen; then a dark, shadowy belt of Two-leaved Pine, with here and there a round carex meadow ensconced nest-like in its midst; and lastly, a narrow outer margin of majestic Silver Fir 200 feet high.

11 adverbs to describe how to  ensconcing  - Adverbs for  ensconcing