19 adverbs to describe how to estranged

He consequently estranged Congress, offended Scott, became distrusted by the President, and provoked the jealousies of the other generals.

He has made His will known to mankind, beginning at Adam, but the spreading of mankind over the surface of the earth, its seduction by Satan and his emissaries have caused most nations to become totally estranged from Him and His service.

I could not apply to the Court against the ingenious forms of petty insult employed, while I felt that they must inevitably estrange the children from me if practised always in their presence.

But such perversion of all natural feeling estranged me from her irreconcilably and forever.

When they had thus successfully estranged the majority of Liberals they began to study the political situation a little more closely.

Richard of Gloucester was thus definitely estranged from Warwick's cause.

But the respite from those dissensions, and the rest thus given to her spirit by her visit North, softened the bitter feelings she had once entertained, and when she returned home it was with sentiments of affection for everyone, and especially for her mother, from whom she had been grievously estranged.

We shall be too far apart by that time, too hopelessly estranged, ever to be more to each other than what we are at this momentmaster and slave.

" "I am justly estranged from your daughter, and I am resolved never to give her a place in my thoughts again.

The charitable portion, indeed, were merely estranged from me; but the more bigoted part began to regard me with aversion and horror.

The two tribes, you must know, will be mutually estranged, for King Cais has been there in person; now he is a prince and the son of a prince.

The astonished husband lapsed into an "adequate rage," and though restrained by the company from doing an immediate violence to his help-mate, was permanently estranged from her through his resentment.

It was for this reason that, when he had left the city to escort his son to Athens for the benefit of his education, he had returned on ascertaining that the two were publicly estranged.

12 Placentia, an ancient city of Gallia Cisalpina, near the Po, now the metropolis of the duchy of Piacenza, which name it also bears Pleum[)o]si, an ancient people of Gallia Belgica, subject to the Nervians, and inhabiting near Tournay Pompey, at first friendly to Caesar, G. vi. 1; subsequently estranged, G. viii.

Only near, of course; Mrs. BUCKROSE is too confirmed an optimist not to make it clear that the blackest boredom has a silver lining; and I had never any real fear that her nice young couple were becoming more than quite temporarily estranged.

When that quarrel came, however, it seems to have snapped more ties than one, for in the Memoir Sterne speaks of his youngest sister Catherine as "still living, but most unhappily estranged from me by my uncle's wickedness and her own folly."

Evelyn Grant had bitterly estranged her father by marrying against his wishes.

It was more than suspected that Crassus, now utterly estranged from Pompey, supplied out of his enormous wealth the means of keeping on foot this lawless agitation.

A thing which encouraged me greatly to believe in the sagacity of our commander was the pains he took to engage the good offices of the Indians,such of them, that is, as had not already been hopelessly estranged by the outrages committed upon them by traders and frontiersmen.

19 adverbs to describe how to  estranged  - Adverbs for  estranged