14 adverbs to describe how to farms

Certainly it was with no idea of successfully farming the land he had acquired, for half of it was stony and half covered by pine forest.

All the trade of this coast, to the kingdom of Manicongo exclusively, is farmed out every four or five years to the highest bidder.

They live in houses, farm quite extensively, and use all kinds of improved farm machinery; many of them are quite wealthy.

He owns about five hundred acres of land, and in summer he "farms it" very industriously; but as soon as the trapping season approaches he leaves his property to the care of his hired men, and spends most of the time in the woods.

"This University not only endeavors to encourage and conduct intelligently farm work of every description, but to teach and thoroughly instruct the boys in the several industries mentioned, as well as in the use of the steam-engine, saw, etc.

It was nominally farmed by Indian tribes, but the natural productiveness of the soil, and the immense amount of land at their disposal, cultivated habits of indolence, and there was a grievous and even sinful waste of fertility.

In 1828 they went to live for six lonely years on her farm at Craigenputtock, sixteen miles north of Dumfries, where it was so quiet that Mrs. Carlyle said she could hear the sheep nibbling the grass a quarter of a mile away.

The cockpits are farmed out annually by the local governments, the terms "contract," and "contractor," having now been softened into "license" and "licensee."Tr.

At the present time, the island is practically an extensive but only partly cultivated farm, producing mainly sugar and tobacco, with fruits and vegetables as a side line.

I have been farming all my life principally.

The most I reckon I ever did make was on Surrounded Hill (Biscoe) when I farmed one-half-fur-de-udder for Sheriff Reinhardt.

They were an indolent, pleasure-loving race, fond of dancing and merriment, living at ease in their low, square, roomy houses on the straggling, rudely farmed plantations that lay along the river banks.

In the year 1802 they removed to a farm at Blacker, three miles south of Barnsley, and attended the meeting at Monk Bretton, or Burton, near that town, where the meeting-house then stood.

April 15.We are now at the winter quarters of the show, in a little town, on a farm just outside, where the tent is put up and the animals are being cared for in barns, and the performers are limbering up their joints, wearing overcoats to turn flip-flaps, and everybody has a cold, and looks blue, and all are anxious for warm weather.

14 adverbs to describe how to  farms  - Adverbs for  farms