19 adverbs to describe how to fatigues

The employment is excessively fatiguing, from the weight of the fish as well as from the coldness of the climate.

" Those who have known Mrs. Browning in later years thought she never looked better than upon her return to Florence in the first days of last June, although the overland journey had been unusually fatiguing to her.

Some of their horse were exceedingly fatigued, having marched forty-eight hours together; and had they been suffered to follow us three or four days' march farther, several of their regiments of horse would have been quite ruined, and their foot would have been rendered unserviceable for the present.

The pulling after this was extraordinarily fatiguing.

She had not merely the fatigue which we all undergo from the effort to recall things, and which sometimes reaches exhaustion; but there was apparently in the void of her oblivion a perpetual rumor of events, names, sensations, likeLanfear felt that he inadequately conjecturedthe subjective noises which are always in the ears of the deaf.

His look was all for her horse, and a new and unreasonable spurt of anger was in his heart Through her unbounded ignorance she had needlessly fatigued her mount, having no knowledge of the ways one employs to save his horse.

Le Brun, always hard at work and always having great anxieties, at length found herself so broken in health, and so nervously fatigued that she longed to be alone with Nature, and in 1808 she went to Switzerland.

Possibly the effect of a summer of out-door, home merrymaking, under the least conventional of conditions, had been to make formal entertaining under a roof seem more than ordinarily fatiguing and pointless.

By degrees, indeed, the storm abated; but they were driven out to sea to the W.N.W., and the sails, from being perpetually fatigued by the rain and wind, were now torn to shivers; and though they put up new ones, they were soon likewise destroyed.

Like a man whose work is finished, and who is pleasantly fatigued by his exertions, he leaned back in his chair.

But by subtracting an hour a day from the present amount of purely intellectual fatigue, and inserting that quantum of bodily fatigue in its place, you begin an immediate change in your conditions of life.

But once having acquired the art, girls will readily fatigue themselves with its practice, unsolicited, careless of tan and freckles.

I rejoiced much to have got so far, for I was sadly fatigued, and every mile now seemed like two to me.

Half wet through, and tolerably fatigued, I retired to my couch of dry leaves immediately after partaking of our scanty meal.

I was that day uncommonly fatigued.

I have known men of great vitality who were undeniably fatiguing, because they overcame one like a whirlwind.

But, naturally, Eleseus had to take his share of the work in building the house; and tired and miserable it made him, all unused as he was to bodily fatigue of any kind.

He looked beaten, discouraged, utterly fatigued with the conflict of emotion.

When I dismounted, I was so extremely stiff, that it was with the utmost difficulty I could stand; I was most dreadfully fatigued, and stood in very great need of repose; but waving all selfish considerations, I thought only of being serviceable, and therefore lost no time in waiting on the Emperor.

19 adverbs to describe how to  fatigues  - Adverbs for  fatigues