6 adverbs to describe how to fattens

Among its varieties, the short-legged, with width and substance of loin, is the most hardy, and fattens the most expeditiously.

There they have been eating and drinking their fill, and growing more weak, slavish, luxurious, fonder and fonder of the flesh-pots of Egypt; fattening literally for the slaughter, like beasts in a stall.

He passed his life beside the superb fish-pond, where he lovingly fattened them from his own hand.

To insure this, favorite children, whether boys or girls, were regularly fattened and imprisoned till nightfall when a little gentle exercise was permitted.

The savages now produced large bowls full of rice prepared with cocoanut oil, of which my crazy comrades ate eagerly, but I only tasted a few grains, understanding clearly that the object of our captors was to fatten us speedily for their own eating, and this was exactly what happened.

The bruised canes are given to the hogs, which hardly get any other food, yet fatten wonderfully, and their flesh is so delicate and wholesome as to be preferred to that of poultry.

6 adverbs to describe how to  fattens  - Adverbs for  fattens