7 adverbs to describe how to fightings

I have heard stories that sound like the nightmare, of their fighting desperately with those deadly creatures, rattlesnakes.

On October 18 there was very fierce fighting in the Caures Woods east of the Meuse and in the Ormont Woods.

Death itself he wouldn't mind so much, if he could have found it in the open fighting gladly for his country; but it seemed a blot on his good name to be shot for just snooping around the German lines.

If the nations haven't the sense to be able (if they wish) to limit their familiesshort of resorting to such methods as War, Cannibalism, the spread of Disease, the exposure of Infants, and the likeone can only conclude that they must go on fighting and preying upon each other (industrially and militarily) till they gain the sense.

During the fighting from the Wairau conflict onwards, our loss had been one hundred and seven Whites killed and one hundred and seventy-two wounded.

We had no fighting, scarcely a shot being fired in anger.

Heavy fighting south of Douaumont, April 2-5; French successes in battle of Caillette woods, etc. 29.

7 adverbs to describe how to  fightings  - Adverbs for  fightings