8 adverbs to describe how to final

It's all right," Green dismissed the matter with an airiness that was curiously final.

Glancing slowly around the table, with his pale, cold eyes contracting in the candle's glare, he spoke in a voice absolutely passionless, yet which carried the conviction to all that what he uttered was hopelessly final: "Sir Lupus complains that he hazards all, should he cast his fortunes with his King.

But his answer, when it came, was peculiarly soft and deliberateit was also absolutely and imperiously final.

The last and positively final execution of the man still rests with the German Government.

" "Why," cried Mrs. Bold quickly, "ye don't mean to say" "I mean to say," interrupted her husband, turning to her with a resolutely final air, "I mean to say as Blackbird's sold.

As with Macedonia in the war waged by Perseus, the Seleucidae in the war regarding Coelesyria made a similar and similarly final effort to recover their former power; but it is a significant indication of the difference between the two kingdoms, that in the former case the legions, in the latter the abrupt language of a diplomatist, decided the controversy.

In youth, all life's happenings seem so terribly final.

"Yes," he said, after a moment, with a deliberation that sounded tragically final.

8 adverbs to describe how to  final  - Adverbs for  final