4 adverbs to describe how to finde

"Who that will followe the graces manyfolde Which are in vertue, shall finde auauncement:

[Sidenote: 30] Mar. Let do't I pray, and I this morning know Where we shall finde him most conueniently.

Turne againe, and all those which you shall finde with their faces downeward, leaue them, because all they are misbeleeuers: and the other which you shall finde with their faces turned vpward, them burie, for they are the true Musulmani, and so his commaundement was done.

And finde it suddenlie, you shall lead the way, Sir, With your perfum'd retinew, and cover The now lost Angellina, or build on it, I will adopt some beggers doubtful issue

4 adverbs to describe how to  finde  - Adverbs for  finde