9 adverbs to describe how to flinching

Piers flinched sharply.

The Ramblin' Kid flinched involuntarily as if he had been struck full in the face.

Have I ever been as near to you as this devil who has made himself notorious with Kaffir women for as long as he has been out here?" She flinched momentarily from the stark cruelty of his words.

The Colonel was the first to drop his eyes; but the other, pitilessly, like a judge arraigning a felon, his steady scrutiny never flinching: "Do you want that kind of a man round, Colonel?" The Kentuckian turned quickly as if to avoid the stab of the other's eye, and sat hunched together, elbows on knees, head in hands.

" Miss Sessions flinched plainly.

By the time I had finished, the cane fairly quivered; and the delinquent himself, who had scarcely flinched under the Teniente's knife, was now uneasily stealing away towards the door.

He showed a great reluctance to go further into detail about the matter and he flinched impatiently from the innocent question;when had he himself been informed of this astounding state of things.

Certainly she did not flinch visibly.

She did not, I am sure, flinch mentally as she looked at the Germans.

9 adverbs to describe how to  flinching  - Adverbs for  flinching