134 adverbs to describe how to flung

and he pointed where, far to their left, a red standard flaunted above the distant glitter of a wide-flung battle line.

He flung his arm violently and beat upon the soft earth.

We had several spare yards, and two or three large spars of wood, and a spare topmast or two in the ship: I resolved to fall tp work with these, and I flung as many of them overboard as I could manage for their weight, tying every one with a rope, that they might not drive away.

" "I see," said Sir Gui, stirring not, "I see a presumptuous knavea dog who shall be flung headlong from the turret.

And they looked as though a cyclone had caught them up, juggled them a dizzy distance in the air, and then flung them down carelessly upon bruising rocks.

She flung the door open hastily.

I reached my feet, clinging to the mast to keep erect and, as the boat was again flung upward, gained clearly the glimpse I sought.

Then one of the little men came up to him, and snatching the rag from his hand, flung it angrily down upon the floor; then as if afraid of remaining so near Martin, he backed away into the crowd again.

Round he spun upon his heel, and, flinging his hands aloft with a shrill, wild cry, fell prone upon his face upon the green sod.

" Jo flung herself back impatiently in the chair, and began an harangue.

Fiercely he flung himself off his horse and threw the reins over the Vicarage gate-post.

And ever as he fought, through the narrow vent of his casque he caught small and sudden visions of this close-locked, desperate fray; of Ulf standing in his stirrups to ply his whirling axe whose mighty, crashing blows no armour might withstand; of grim Roger, scowling and fierce, wielding ponderous broad-sword; of young Sir John of Griswold, reeling in his saddle, his helpless arms wide-flung.

My eyes sought to pierce the gloom of the night, only to gain glimpses of black water heaving and tumbling on every side, the boat flung high on a whitened crest, and then hurled into the hollow beneath, as though it was a mere chip in the grasp of the sea.

" He flung away defiantly, strode through the gate, and calling aloud, traversed an empty compound, already heated by the new-risen sun.

He flung round furiously.

Execute the finger and hand movements with the arms hanging at the side, extended sidewise, stretched above the head, thrust straight forward, with the arms bent at right angles to them and with the arms flung backward as far as possible.

Nuggets!" A miner's chamois belt unbuckled and flung heavily down.

Have I gotta starve while you pound yore ear?" Hurriedly Tom flung aside his wraps.

They were silenced, and fled and left me alone, but I knew nothing; nor when they came back with others and seized me, and flung me forth from the gates, was I aware what I had done.

It was evident that she had some distinct object in concealing the fact that he had deliberately flung her into the water after that heated altercation.

She watched them silently, wondering at his agitation, till Piers, becoming aware of her scrutiny, abruptly flung aside the stick upon which he had been expending so much care and leaped to his feet with a laugh that sounded oddly strained to her ears.

It lasted for possibly thirty seconds, and then he found himself flung violently backwards across the table and pinned there, with Piers' hands gripping his throat, and Piers' eyes, grim and murderous, glaring down into his own.

Involuntarily, not knowing what she did, she flung out an arm and struck down his hands.

If there was a roll in her weary gallop, there was a stagger in his gait; still he was literally flinging himself towards the finish.

He flung it off mechanically.

134 adverbs to describe how to  flung  - Adverbs for  flung