61 adverbs to describe how to flushing

" I flushed angrily, for the justness of this statement only irritated me the more.

So Dan ordered, impartially: "Mr. Darrin, you will place yourself on report for unauthorized talking in section!" Dave flushed still more hotly, but said nothing.

But not for long did this continue, rather it happened contrariwise; and I felt my heart not only glow with sudden beat, but its forces speeded back swiftly to their places, bringing with them a throbbing warmth that chased away my pallor and flushed my cheeks deeply; and, marveling wherefore this should betide, I sighed heavily; nor thereafter was there other thought in my soul than how I might please him.

The poor child flushed painfully while admitting the meagerness of her wardrobe.

For at her name he flushed darkly, and then, that rush of color fading, he was left with a white spot in the center of each cheek.

She was two miles up, swinging along at that steady pace her mountain-bred youth had given her, when the sky began to flush faintly, and the first hint of dawn rested on her upraised countenance.

Hollis flushed uncomfortably.

" Hope Langdon's face flushed indignantly.

" She flushed prettily; she, Gloria Gaynor, flushed up because Mark King said in blunt, unvarnished fashion: "I like you very much."

Penelope flushed warmly.

For a moment he hesitated, his cheek paled and flushed alternately, he looked irresolute.

" "He is in luck to be Mr. to your Mrs." She flushed furiously.

I observed that his face was vividly flushed, and his eyes looked weary.

" "Did he?" said Betty, flushing brightly under Moppet's keen glance.

she asked, her face flushing rosily.

" Lady Mary's white face flushed scarlet from brow to chin; but Peter, occupied with his monocle, observed nothing.

" "Straight flush the best hand.

On one wall might be seen Dame Venus, the goddess of Love, sweetly flushed as when she walked the water, lovely as life, teaching men how they should bear them in loyal service to their lady.

Agnes flushed resentfully as she came forward and saw the confidential friendliness of the little group.

" Lillian nodded comprehendingly, but Dicky flushed guiltily as they followed me into the kitchen.

If she wants to see this fool can you keep her away, and if she goes to him can you control her smiling?" "Certainly," said Lord Nick, but he flushed heavily.

His form, so like that of Cedric, she began to compare with ancient warriors she had read about and seen pictures of,then his tender and meaning hand pressure recurred to her, and she flushed mightily.

Clappings on the shoulder from bigger boys who had been wont to joke about his name made him flush nervously; to be addressed as 'Humpy,' or 'Beetle,' or 'Buz,' even though in a new tone, seemed to gratify him as little as before.

He spoke with rising tones, and the other flushed noticeably about the temples.

I guessed well the nature, though not even vaguely the particulars of the revelations I was about to receive, from that fixed face of suffering that so oddly flushed stood out, like a portrait of Schalken's, before its background of darkness.

61 adverbs to describe how to  flushing  - Adverbs for  flushing