138 adverbs to describe how to gains

From time to time I heard them gradually gaining on me.

" The German aeroplane was gaining steadily.

The Morris, then, though it lost in allegorical significance, would gain considerably in spirit and variety by combining with the other shows.

This is, perhaps, merely an incidental gain.

The question is, after having speedily gained over the North, thanks to Mr. Buchanan, to arrive as quickly as possible at something which shall have the appearance and authority of a fact accomplished.

Having understood that there was an academy in the neighbourhood, in which youths of maturer years were instructed in the fine arts, we were induced to visit it; but there being a vacation at that time, we could see neither the professors nor students, and consequently could gain little information of the course of discipline and instruction pursued there.

He could scarcely gain his breath as he saw creep into Carolina's eyes what he believed to be the light of hope for him, the light even of a woman's promise.

You may likewise, perhaps, remember, that when I complained of the ground which Scepticism in religion and morals was continually gaining, it did not appear to be on my own account, as my private opinions upon these important subjects had long been inflexibly determined.

The result of the long contest, in which were developed the talents of the generals who afterward gained under Napoleon III.

Their system of attack seemed to be to spring suddenly upon him, striking with their paws, and as they did so, in most instances, simultaneously, it was impossible for him to defend himself, strong and active as he was; and had no assistance been at hand, they would undoubtedly have gained the victory.

Perceptibly they were gaining on it, while it developed into two riders and a pack animal in single file.

By his aid and advice, the other schooner might save a week in time at that most important season of the year; and by the experience and exertions of his people, a whole month in filling up might readily be gained.

Have we either of us ever rubbed thumbs over honestly gained farthings?

What a happy, thing it is for persons in our rank to gain the love of a whole nation so cheaply!

It seems, as we learned later, that the villainous Brant had made all his plans for an attack upon Cherry Valley, and had secretly gained a position on the hill to the eastward of the place, counting on waiting there until nightfall, when he might surprise us; but, much to his astonishment, he saw what appeared from the distance to be a large body of well-equipped soldiers evidently making ready for serious work.

It was at home that her worth was most apparent; for plain domestic virtues, such as hers, seldom gain wide distinction.

While admiring its neat tower I had gained unconsciously the summit of the hill, and on turning suddenly around, lo!

Upon this hint, delivered not with more frankness than modesty, accompanied with a certain bewitching prettiness, and blushes, which Othello could not but understand, he spoke more openly of his love, and in this golden opportunity gained the consent of the generous lady Desdemona privately to marry him.

It is soon perceived that while abundant outward marks of deference from fellow-citizens, may almost certainly be gained by directing every energy to the accumulation of property, they are but rarely to be gained in any other way; and that even in the few cases where they are otherwise gained, they are not given with entire unreserve; but are commonly joined with a more or less manifest display of patronage.

The language has gained immensely by the infusion, in richness of synonyme and in the power of expressing nice shades of thought and feeling, but more than all in light-footed polysyllables that trip singing to the music of verse.

"Iyouthat is"faltered Betty, meekly dropping her eyelids"Oh, sir, do you really think we shall gain the Inn safely?" "There is no cause for fear," said Geoffrey coldly.

The long Continental war came to an end with Napoleon's overthrow at Waterloo, in 1815; and England, having gained enormously in prestige abroad, now turned to the work of reform at home.

The open heaven was far too near, His first day's light too sweet and clear, To let him waste his new-gained ken On the hate-clouded face of men.

At two o'clock, when rain and mist made it so dark it was not possible to see a wall a couple of yards ahead, the Kensingtons advanced to gain the heights south of Ain Karim in order to enable the 179th Brigade to be deployed.

So he set them in their ancient order of battle used by their forefathers, under their captains of thousands, and other officers, and dismissed such as were newly married, as well as those that had newly gained possessions, that they might not fight in a cowardly manner out of an inordinate love of life, in order to enjoy those blessings.

138 adverbs to describe how to  gains  - Adverbs for  gains