4 adverbs to describe how to gambols

Even Jehu has been buckish, kicking up his heels and gambolling awkwardly.

A deep calm sea; on the blue waters toiled, From morn till eve, the simple fishermen; And, on the beach, there stood a group of huts Before whose gates old men sat mending nets And eyed with secret joy the little boys That gaily gambolled on the sandy beach

" So saying Dick bounded away into the woods, with Crusoe gambolling joyously at his heels.

Then, with her brush waving above her, she came gambolling back to him so playfully that he stroked her indulgently, though he was first vexed, and then rather puzzled that his wife should amuse herself with such pranks.

4 adverbs to describe how to  gambols  - Adverbs for  gambols