22 adverbs to describe how to giggles

"Aa musical ghost?" giggled Laura hysterically, but Billie pinched her into silence.

The girls giggled nervously; the boys grinned; several opened their mouths to sing, but closed them again as Alethea-Belle descended from the rostrum and approached the rebels.

Some o' the mothers acchilly giggled over it out loud, they was so mightily tickled.

She giggled delightedly.

Dilly giggled, and put her thumb in her mouth, watching the effect with widely opened eyes.

And Sahwah giggled extravagantly as she saw in her mind's eye the bead record of some of her activities in the Junior session room.

Then Brodie, with a noisy explosion of laughter, smote his thigh and, after him, Benny giggled foolishly.

Onetwofoursixsevenin they poured, tumbling over my legs, panting, giggling inanely, exhorting each other to hurryan old man, two youths, three middle-aged women, and a little girl about four years old.

It is a piece of inspired acting to make the discriminating weep, but my friend the audience always giggled irresistibly, as if the sound of rending lace, when a woman's agony was the most intense, were a bit of exquisite comedy.

Not the least; they are both tittering and giggling merrily; they are accustomed to it, and habit is second nature.

These benches are long, and I was sorry to see the girls planting themselves fast at the outer end, and making themselves square, so as to hinder any one else from getting in, till the verger came and spoke to them, when Charley giggled offensively; and even then they did not make room, but forced the people to squeeze past.

Patsy almost giggled outright as she thought of Le Drieux and his ridiculous suspicions.

'Not that I blame mun,' she says, 'for I wouldn't do it myself,'"here Polly giggled.

That young person promptly giggled.

"It sounds just like Royal Purple," giggled Elsie, regardless of her sister's remonstrance.

Liza giggled triumphantly, and the little ones strove to emulate her.

The mirthfulness of the little madcap was contagious, and not unfrequently the giggle of Tulipa and the low musical laugh of Rosabella mingled with the concert.

Some o' the mothers acchilly giggled over it out loud, they was so mightily tickled.

Now, all ready!" George came in, with a yardstick tied around his waist for a sword, and made a deep bow which made the spinet giggle violently.

" Katie giggled appreciatively.

Miss Crilly giggled.

What-all's yo' name?" The girl giggled deliciously.

22 adverbs to describe how to  giggles  - Adverbs for  giggles