73 adverbs to describe how to girls

"Oh, as you please," said the girl, coldly.

You will be theresurely?" "Yes," said the girl, softly; "I will be theresurely.

"The only thing I can recollect about the War was once my mistress took me and her own little girl upstairs in a kind of ceiling room (attic).

"Go on," said the girl, calmly.

"I believe he had about fifty," said the girl, carelessly.

"Mr. Hardy?" said the girl, doubtfully.

"Good afternoon, sir," said the girl, sweetly; "can I do anything to assist you?" West uttered an impatient exclamation and regarded Beth savagely.

Can you not believe it?" "I trust it is so," said the dying girl, faintly, "I have not believed, but I may have been mistaken.

The captain's state cabin is a den by the side of our quarters; and ain't they jolly girls?"

Of course much of this interchange of words between the man in the booth and the girls outside was Greek to them all, but "to print" and "columns" and "pages" could apply only to one idea, which, while not fully grasped, was tremendously startling in its suggestion.

"The picture?" said the girl eagerly, a quick color flushing her cheeks.

There were several comely girls in evidence.

And yet," he pursued, with a slight hiatus of thought, "I should not describe her as precisely an attractive-looking girl.

Mary Mapes Dodge: lolly girl.

" "Aunt will see to that," said the girl, confidently.

His back was to Donnegan, and consequently the girl, facing him, could look straight across the room at the red-headed man.

" "I'm not sure of that," said the girl, thoughtfully.

With her was another in better dress, seemingly a girl still in her teens, though her face and neck were scrupulously concealed by a heavy veil, and her hands, which were small, by gloves.

" West went away more quietly than he had come, and the girls exclaimed, delightedly: "The trap is set, Uncle!"

Two little girls near London dwell, More naughty than I like to tell.

" "I never said so!" "Girl," pronounced Riley solemnly, "ain't it a fact that you went around to a lot of parties and suchlike things with Quade?"

" "I don't listen to gossip," said the girl, loftily.

no longeronly a girl of the cities, upon the defensive for the security of her traditions.

"Did you see?" said the other girl, a little maliciously.

"You must come again," said the girl, mechanically.

73 adverbs to describe how to  girls  - Adverbs for  girls