29 adverbs to describe how to gits

he's awful tired, I suppose!" "Yes," said Jerry; "he'll be wus tired, though, afore you git him to Californy.

Bless his heart, he can't git along nohow without me.

Er s'posen I des woun's her, en she gits erway,w'at she gwine do ter me den?' "'I is done studied 'bout all dem things,' sez de cunjuh man, 'en it 'pears ter me de bes' plan fer you ter foller is ter lemme tu'n you ter some creetur w'at kin see in de da'k, en w'at kin run des ez fas' ez a cat, en w'at kin bite, en bite fer ter kill; en den you won't hafter hab no trouble atter de job is done.

Sometimes dey throw salt brine on dey backs, or smear on turputine to make it git well quicker.

"Wait heem git top of hill!" shouted Mukoki, swinging his rifle to his shoulder.

"It's a quaar being he is entirely, when it's meself that could barely git into the thicket, and he might have saved his hide by making a short thramp around, rather than plunging through in this shtyle.

now THE BRIDGE Plain proof her cause ain't strong, The one thet fust gits mad's most ollers wrong.

The old mare's steady's a clockthought she could hold the young one down, if he did git lively.

He was so glad to git loose, he didn't mind losing the hog and gettin' punished.

No woman no matter how strong she wuz could git more than two meals a day under the circumstances.

Nobody c'u'd ever git 'n a mild o' th' poor cuss.

You know he will nachully git his muscles and will and temper kinder stiff jinted leadin' the armies and gittin' so awful mad.

A p'liceman offaseh neahly git himyes, seh.

She were the smartest, most managing woman in these parts, and I never did have no faculty, and don't run her house like I ought; and John is a puny man and not able to do all her bidding; and the young uns they gits terrible noisy and feisty at times, all but Evy." "The women" rode with Marthy a mile farther, stopping before a lonely log-house, with corn-fields climbing to meet the timber half-way up the mountain in the rear.

Then there's always the crick to git trout outen; and in a short time you could shoot pa'tridges without breakin' the game laws.

An' how do ye eat it, Mrs.'scuse me, ma'am, but I never can rightly git hold of yer name.

Then John gits sore at the boss and at himself and at Demijohn and the whole works.

"I can git along splendid in the daylight.

If they furnished anything, they would sure git it back.

I can git him thar now.

Den Tenie say she wanter git her bes' frock; her mistiss say no, she doan need no mo' frock, en w'en dat one got dirty she could git a clean one

Before he stretched himself on the floor for the night, he expressed this opinion to the cook by saying, "Yer know, Dinah, white folks is allers mighty wide awake de night afore dey gits up.

Did ye git bad noos from home?

We can't git away till to-morry, anyways.

As a rule the pelts bring about fifteen cents each, but jest now thar's quite a boom on, an' I reckon I'll git sixty apiece.

29 adverbs to describe how to  gits  - Adverbs for  gits