107 adverbs to describe how to glad

"Old man, I'm mighty glad we came along.

I am heartily glad at the thought of seeing my cousin once more, and all the gladder that he brings a wife with him.

"I'm awfully glad, Billie, really I am," beamed Violet.

" "I am exceedingly glad of your father's good health: he owes it to his uncommon abstinence and resolution," Lady Mary wrote to her daughter, April 11, 1759.

I am real glad to know you."

" "Oh, it's true enough," answered Grundy from the back desk; "and I'm jolly glad he's done it.

I am glad, sincerely glad; I have prayed God in thankfulness, I feel that your skill and courage will bring us safely to land.

Chapter VII Gloria was genuinely glad to see King returning to her.

Your agèd sire and our dear monarch leads The war, and Bukka, as a Hindu true, Joins us to fight against the Moslem horde, And doubly glad I am that in this war, With Bukka vying in the field with me,

Oh, I'm so gladso glad!

Mr. Crummles was unfeignedly glad to see him, and in the course of a long conversation informed Nicholas that the next morning he and his were to sail for America, that he had made up his mind to settle there permanently, in the hope of acquiring some land of his own, which would support them in their old age, and which they could afterward bequeath to their children.

And you, ye five wild torrents fiercely glad! ... ...

I was specially glad on account of having such a dreadful time with Father that morning.

I'm devoutly glad of the blanket.

It puts a roof over his head, it lightens his darkness, it helps to feed his body, it furnishes the wine that maketh glad his heart and the oil that causeth his face to shine, and time would fail me to tell of all the other things that it does for him.

A nation which realized that kind of life would be powerful and healthy beyond words; it would not only be splendidly glad and prosperous and unassailable in itself, but it would inevitably infect all other nations with whom it had dealings with the same principle.

" Having arrived at this conclusion, Browning was decidedly glad that his friends had kept him from closing in on Merriwell and forcing a fight on the ball field.

She was aware that Jack Fyfe found her so and tolerably glad that he did so find her.

He put out both hands, adding: "I am tremendously glad to have the opportunity to get more acquainted with you.

He was gloomy over seeing the Navy outplayed, but secretly glad that the spectators had as yet found no occasion to shout themselves hoarse over Midshipman Dave's work.

They seemed unreasonably glad to see me.

The ladies were inexpressibly glad to give up their donkeys, and Miss Leonards considered her experiences so bitter as to wish them to be handed down to posterity under the title of "THE LADY'S FAREWELL TO HER ASININE STEED.

She was profoundly glad.

"I be downright glad to zee 'ee come back, zur; ay, that 'a be.

Jest as Jabez streaked it home, I watchin' him from the buttery window and also keepin' my pardner at bey in the milk room, I see a buggy drive into the yard, and wuz I not glad to see the manly form and calm quiet face of Royal Nelson.

107 adverbs to describe how to  glad  - Adverbs for  glad