17 adverbs to describe how to glistens

Darkness they could not complain of, for the Northern LightsNature's fireworksnow red, now blue, flashed unceasingly, and the snow glistened so brightly.

He found the bed of the lake coated with a crust of salt, pure white, and glistening brilliantly in the sunshine.

But if unkindly you refuse to hear, And from despair thy poor MATILDA have; Ah! don't deny one tributary tear, To glisten sweetly o'er my early grave.

Dost thou not hear the music's sweet accord? See how his white wings beautifully glisten?

"In tropical lands, when the rain comes, what was barren baked earth, in a day or two is rich meadow, all ablaze with flowers, and the dry torrent beds, where the stones lay white and glistening ghastly in the hot sunshine, are foaming with rushing streams and fringed with budding oleanders."

High up in the palace every pane glistens as if it were a gem.]

With no less devotion did the lad regard all the souvenirs of glory that adorned his housewreaths of golden leaves, silver cups, nude marble statuettes, placques of different metals upon plush backgrounds on which glistened imperishably the name of the poet Labarta.

"Yes, those were her words, Mary," said the old man, unfolding the newspaper parcel, and revealing an ugly little jug of metallically glistening earthenware, such as were turned out with strange pride from certain English potteries about seventy years ago.

After this, the Latin tutor began the usual course of "getting better," until he got so much better that his face was very sharp, and when he smiled, three crescent lines showed at each side of his lips, and when he spoke, it was in a muffled whisper, and the white of his eye glistened as pearly as the purest porcelain,so much better, that he hopedby springhemight be abletoattendto his class again.

And now the birds of the jungle came flying home far over us, with the sunlight glistening pink upon their breasts, and lowered their pinions as soon as they saw the Yann, and dropped into the trees.

The lake with its deep or glowing reflexionsits smiling shorethe smoke of its few houseslay below him; and between him and it, glistening sharply, in a sun-steeped magic, upon the blue and purple background of the hills and woodsa wild cherry, in its full mantle of bridal white.

Her hair was like a coronet Upon her Grecian forehead set, Where one gem glistened sunnily, Like Venice, when first seen at sea.

The only objects which varied the verdant level were scattered white rocks, probably gypsum or oxide of manganese, which glistened surprisingly in the sunlight, reminding one of pearls sown on a mantel of green velvet.

And dawn grew brighter over the immortal gods, and the old man smiled through his tears, which glistened wondrously in the increasing light.

I crossed the bridge over the Tagliamento and looked down at the broad swift current, glistening beneath.

But still they glistened dimly in the twilight of the sky to which she raised her questioning, believing eyes.

On the faintly glistening sands old boats, drawn up here and there, resembled so many black footprints.

17 adverbs to describe how to  glistens  - Adverbs for  glistens