11 adverbs to describe how to glowings

It was not entirely the beauty of the softly glowing orchid that charmed Johnnie Consadine's eyes; it was the significance of the flower.

He told Weyman about it their first night, as they were smoking pipes alongside the redly glowing box stove.

Still her eyes come deeply glowing Through the leafy lattices; And the rustle of the trees, 'Neath the west wind softly blowing, Only emulates the flowing Of her love-toned melodies.

The moon gave a jump up in the sky and grew green and dim, and fish, faintly glowing, came darting round meand things that seemed made of luminous glass; and I passed through a tangle of seaweeds that shone with an oily lustre.

In the full tide of conscious power she was able to drop her hand from her face, raise her head, turn her glance carelessly upon Dan Barry; she was met by ominously glowing eyes.

There was the palely glowing sky ahead, and on each side the black reflection of the tree-laden banks, mistily mysterious now and very lovely.

For a reproduction in colour of this passionately glowing picture, see Karl Khandalavala, Indian Sculpture and Painting (Bombay, 1938) (Plate 10).

The evening was most lovely; the sun had lost the splendour of its beams, though clouds of every brilliant hue proclaimed the increased glory which attended its hour of rest, at times lost behind a richly glowing cloud, and then bursting forth again and dyeing all nature with a flood of gold.

"An apple, dear mother!" Cried Willy one day, Coming in, with his cheeks Glowing bright, from his play.

And slowly, under the spell of Stillman's calm and yet strangely glowing manner, Claire recovered her poise.

He was looking down into the brilliantly glowing face of the pretty Eleanora, and the pretty Eleanora was looking up at him; and Pa and Ma Gregg were standing by, placidly pleased.

11 adverbs to describe how to  glowings  - Adverbs for  glowings